From Our Readers
Thank you for your articles on pornography. (December 22, 1986) I am glad to see this topic brought to light for the public to see the real damage it does to people’s lives. I am a victim of abuse and the scars it leaves are unbelievable. Porn often results in child abuse, so where is the child’s freedom of choice?
V. L., England
Practical Jokes
I have thoroughly enjoyed the article “Young People Ask . . . Aren’t Practical Jokes Harmless Fun?” (September 22, 1986) I found that practical jokes were not all that much fun all the time. Sometimes you can lose a friend and not really mean to. I am 13 and really love to read “Young People Ask . . .” I learn from other people’s mistakes.
D. D., United States
How Safe Are the Banks?
I just don’t know how to thank you for the articles on “How Safe Are the Banks?” (October 22, 1986) I especially enjoyed the first article on “The Need for Money.” Thanks to that article, I was able to do some research that the teacher asked us to do at school. Please print more articles that deal with historical subjects, as this will help many other young people of my age to do thorough research. I am a 12-year-old girl.
M. C., Italy
Upon receiving the issue on “How Safe Are the Banks?” I asked my employer, who is a bank president, to give me his honest opinion as to the accuracy of these articles. He stated: “I am very impressed with these articles. On page 11, column 1, paragraph 1, is the key to safe banking. Also, the statement ‘Banks are as safe as the governments that back them’ is absolutely true. You can’t go wrong following these excellent articles and their advice.” Thank you for publishing these timely articles.
A. M., United States
Is Marriage Necessary?
I am a mother of four, a Catholic, and yet an ardent reader of your magazine. I wish to comment on the articles on “Marriage—Is It Necessary?” (July 8, 1986) Youths today are really engrossed with modernization, so modern that even the sacred relationship of men and women is taken with just a shrug of the shoulders. As a mother, I too would not want my three daughters’ future life to be based on paperless marriages. Young couples will come to understand the far-reaching effects brought about by these non-permanent, live-in relationships
M. E. C., Philippines
Credit Cards
Thank you for publishing the article on “Credit Cards—A ‘Plastic Trap’?” (December 8, 1986) Being caught in that trap, reading this article has helped me to understand the importance of exploring the aspects of a credit card before getting involved. I sincerely hope that this article will be as beneficial to others as it has been to me.
D. R., United States