From Our Readers
Beating Stress
Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . Can I Beat Stress?” (April 8, 1987) I am one of your subscribers and want to tell you how good it is to find one’s own feelings put in writing. We always believe we’re the only ones who feel a certain way. The sympathetic spirit that guides you has touched my heart, and I hope that of many others.
S. S., Italy
Many thanks for the article on beating stress. I am almost 12 years old, and some of my schoolwork makes me nervous, especially English. Sometimes I just don’t feel like continuing. But the article contained five points that I will now try to apply.
M. N., Federal Republic of Germany
As a reminder, the five points are: (1) Reduce irritants. (2) Organize and limit your activities. (3) Lessen fear of failure. (4) Talk to somebody. (5) Pray to God.—ED.
What Do Clothes Mean?
I enjoyed reading the article “What Do Clothes Mean to You?” (February 8, 1987) It gave tips and very useful ideas of how to get the most out of one’s wardrobe and the maintaining of proper balance regarding clothes. It is important to bear these factors in mind so that our grooming reflects favorably on our Creator.
P. T., England
The article “What Do Clothes Mean to You?” helped me very much. I used to like clothes that were the very latest style, but the article showed me the need for caution in this regard and that a good guide is that each person always dress according to his or her age. Thank you for the suggestions for a quality wardrobe.
R. R., Brazil
I was absolutely amazed when your articles on “Phobias” discussed my personal problem. (February 8, 1987) For about 20 years I have experienced a very real problem with writing in the presence of other people, especially when it comes to a signature. I honestly believed I was totally alone with this problem. You can, no doubt, understand my amazement when this very problem was mentioned in Awake! At last I realized I was not alone, that someone else knew what it is like to experience this fear and was probably trying to avoid situations in which it arose. I felt this article was meant by God to be read by me, and I thank God for the man and the girl who brought it to my door.
J. M., England
I am 13 years old and wish to thank you for the articles on “Phobias.” I very much enjoyed reading the articles, especially since I suffer from claustrophobia. It really is obsessive! Sometimes I feel I am going mad. I felt it was no use going to a doctor and that I had to solve the problem on my own. Now, thanks to your article, I realize that I should talk to my doctor about it and try to calm down, since I’m quite easily agitated.
T. Z., Italy