From Our Readers
Help for Handicapped
I really appreciated the most encouraging article (October 22, 1988). For a handicapped person to be happy, he does not always have to be helped. I had my right arm amputated. My every movement was watched so as to help me at the dinner table. I was served, had my bread cut and my fruit peeled, and even my cheese was prepared for me. Of course, this was out of kindness, but deep down inside, I ended up having bad feelings toward those having my interests at heart. And in the end, I didn’t even say thank you. When I am alone, surprisingly enough I am quite happy doing everything on my own. Thank you for the gadgets shown; I never imagined such things existed. They are simple, but they really help.
C. C., France
I want to thank you for the Awake! article “Understanding the Stutterer’s Challenge” (November 8, 1986). I read and reread it, being deeply moved, since I suffer discrimination by persons who tease and ridicule those who stutter. At last I have a magazine that takes the problem seriously and prepares fine material about this complex and seldom-mentioned subject. From reading the material, I learned of the doctor who specializes in speech problems, and now I am being treated by one. I think your editorial staff deserves a prize in literature.
J. M. S., Brazil
Children Dying
I appreciated how the article “Millions of Children Are Dying” (September 22, 1988) pointed out measures parents can take to help their children remain healthy in spite of unfavorable conditions. It is true that breast-feeding has a contraceptive effect. I am concerned, though, that some readers may conclude that breast-feeding is a reliable contraceptive. In my experience as a maternity nurse, I have found that mothers who rely on breast-feeding as a contraceptive often get pregnant.
A. S., United States
A. S. is correct. Our article was generally directed to areas of the world where contraceptives often are unavailable. It merely stated that breast-feeding “tends to delay the onset of menstruation.” It is far from foolproof.—ED.
Parent Homework
To me, as a mother and schoolteacher, Awake! of September 8, 1988, was a great help. I was able to arouse the interest of the principal of the school in the subject “Parents—You Have Homework Too!” At a parents’ meeting, she praised the material highly and distributed among the parents sheets on which she had copied a number of suggestions made in the magazine. Then she showed them the magazine, telling them where she had got the material.
M. G. S., Brazil
The article (May 8, 1988) was well-written and well-researched. I will present it at our weekly staff meeting, and alert our 31 employees so they can inform our patients of this excellent feature article.
D. D. S., MD, FACS, Director, Eye Center, Professor of Ophthalmology, United States