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The Moral Breakdown—Can It Be Reversed? 3-10
Well into the 20th century, people had specific ideas about right and wrong. Then a change began in the 1950’s and escalated in the decades that followed. Many say that there is no right or wrong, that each one should do his own thing. The results have been disastrous. Can this moral breakdown be reversed?
Learning Begins in the Womb 14
Beginning at three weeks, adding 250,000 brain cells a minute, the infant brain by birth has 100 billion neurons that are the basis of all functions of the brain.
What if My Family Is Poor? 18
I hated watching my father work his fingers to the bone just to keep us alive. I resented that there seemed to be no way out.
[Picture Credit Line on page 2]
Photo: Lennart Nilsson for A Child Is Born - 1976 ed./Dell Publishing Co.