From Our Readers
Negative Emotions I am a 12-year-old girl, and I really enjoyed the series of articles “You Can Overcome Negative Emotions.” (October 8, 1992) I have had problems with my friends and schoolmates. At the root of it all was the negative way I always used to see things. The articles taught me to have a more positive outlook.
A. C., Italy
Having received therapy over the past two years for a series of emotional and hormonal problems, I know from experience that your suggestions work. Two days ago I suffered a relapse and just wanted to give up. My ever-patient husband told me to reread the articles. They contained all the encouragement I could wish for and gave me the will to try once again.
J. L., England
Disgraced Parents Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . What if My Parent Has Disgraced Us?” (October 22, 1992) It encouraged me a lot. My father recently forbade me to attend Christian meetings. However, reading your article helped me to understand that I am not alone in this situation and that I can count on Jehovah’s help.
K. L. R., France
My father is inactive as a Christian. My mother is disfellowshipped from the congregation and opposes the truth. Once she denied me a meal for over 36 hours because I had gone out preaching. She also beat me. Sometimes I cry because of the spiritual condition of my parents. You cannot therefore imagine how your article encouraged me and strengthened my faith. I am determined to adhere to Bible principles.
E. J., Nigeria
I too have a disfellowshipped father and a number of siblings who have been reproved or disfellowshipped. Others have labeled me as being like them, but I am now married and have completed my first year as a full-time evangelizer. Yes, you can truly prove yourself to be different.
D. R., United States
Watching the World Thank you for printing the little news items in “Watching the World.” Since I’ve had such a sheltered, uncomplicated life, I have to reassure myself continually that these are indeed the last days. “Watching the World” has been a great aid in convincing me of how sick and degraded this old world truly is. Please continue to publish it regularly.
M. G., United States
Letter to Parents The article “A Letter to Mom and Dad” (October 8, 1992) brought tears to my eyes. It made me realize how hard a time my parents had raising their eight children. So at the age of 42, I have written my own letter of thanks to Mom and Dad.
J. D., United States
Reading it was very painful because my parents did not give me any of the things listed by that young man. But as I reread it, I realized how much Jehovah, our heavenly Father, has done for me and so many others. He has taught me love and given me discipline when I needed it. Thus, he has given me some freedom from the painful childhood I suffered.
C. A., United States