The Bible’s Viewpoint
Are Demons Real?
DURING the 17th and 18th centuries, a frenzied campaign of persecution against witches swept across most of Europe. Many alleged witches underwent terrible torture. Some who were falsely charged confessed to witchcraft merely to put an end to the torment. Untold numbers were executed on the basis of rumors or suspicion.
Although ostensibly based on the Scriptures, these actions against witchcraft, a form of demonism, were definitely fanatical. Christians have not been charged with the obligation to torture or execute witches or any other practicers of spiritism. (Romans 12:19) What is the prevailing attitude today?
A Relaxed Attitude
Today most people in Christendom do not take such spiritistic practices seriously. Out of curiosity, some may dabble in astrology, magic, divination, and witchcraft, but they do not view these occult practices as demonism. At times, entertainers, sports personalities, and politicians openly admit to their involvement with the occult. Some books and movies portray witches and sorcerers as “attractive, slightly unusual persons whose supernatural activities do harm to no one,” says one encyclopedia. Material designed to entertain and educate children may promote occult themes.
Such a relaxed and casual attitude toward demonism can lead to disbelief in the existence of demons. Do you believe that the demons exist and are actively trying to harm us? After all, most people today would say that they have never experienced contact with demons or witnessed their activity. Are demons real?
Disbelief Presents a Dilemma
Those who claim to accept the Bible but who doubt the reality of demons are faced with a dilemma. If they do not believe that demons are real, they are displaying a measure of disbelief in the Bible. Why? Because the concept of wicked spirit creatures with superhuman powers is taught in God’s Word, the Bible.
Its first book, Genesis, relates how an intelligent being used a serpent to deceive Eve and lead her into rebelling against God. (Genesis 3:1-5) The last book of the Bible, Revelation, identifies this wicked trickster, “the original serpent,” as “the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) Satan succeeded in enticing other angels into rebellion. (Jude 6) In the Bible these fallen angels are called demons. They operate in the vicinity of the earth and are very angry with God and with those who serve him.—Revelation 12:12.
Satan and the demons have the power to influence, harm, and communicate with humans. (Luke 8:27-33) They have studied human nature for thousands of years. They know how to play on human weaknesses. The Bible reports cases where they possessed, or took full control of, men, women, and children. (Matthew 15:22; Mark 5:2) They can cause disease or physical impairments like blindness. (Job 2:6, 7; Matthew 9:32, 33; 12:22; 17:14-18) They can also blind people’s minds. (2 Corinthians 4:4) The demons are continually active, as is their leader, Satan, who is like “a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Peter 5:8) The Bible contains many accounts of the existence of demons. If you believe in the Bible, then you accept the reality of invisible wicked creatures.
Evil Deceivers
But how could powerful demons exist today without causing a constant state of terror in the world? Why is it that their presence and actions are not more obvious? The Bible answers: “Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14) The Devil is a deceiver. Demon activity is often disguised as something harmless or even good. Hence, it is hard to recognize.
Satan and his demons continue to afflict people in various ways, as they did in Bible times. Some who are now genuine Christians were at one time involved with the occult; they can testify to the horrors of demon attacks. Today, perhaps on a greater scale than ever before, demons are using their superhuman powers to entice people into outright occult practices. Their power is not to be underestimated. However, they accomplish more by luring people away from God than by terrorizing them. Satan and the demons are “misleading the entire inhabited earth,” says the Bible. (Revelation 12:9) They are intent on undermining spirituality in subtle, insidious ways.
The demons are real. How else could the insatiable thirst for blood and destruction so evident among people today be explained? Humans naturally want to live in peace and happiness. But the demons promote badness and have the power to influence and corrupt the human mind.
Yet, Jehovah is the almighty God—more powerful than the demons. He offers his strength and protection against “the machinations of the Devil.” (Ephesians 6:11-18) We need not have a morbid fear of the demons, for God promises: “Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.”—James 4:7.
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