From Our Readers
Teaching Children to Love Creation As part of our children’s training, we try to cultivate in them an appreciation for the natural beauty that Jehovah provides so lovingly. We like to use the articles that regularly appear in Awake!, such as “Jenny Wren—Tiny Bird, Powerful Song.” (September 8, 1998) Our children respond with enthusiasm! It is a joy to share this information with them.
K. A., United States
Nightmares I really appreciated the suggestions in the “Watching the World” item “Children’s Nightmares Common.” (September 8, 1998) My children have nightmares, but I’ve always told them not to talk about them but simply to go back to sleep. Now, with the suggestions given, I can better cope with this problem. Please do not stop publishing such helpful information.
R. N., Zimbabwe
Killer Lions I truly enjoyed the article “East Africa’s ‘Lunatic Express.’” (September 22, 1998) But you were incorrect in listing the man-eating lions as a male and a female. They were both males.
K. B., United States
“Awake!” erred on this point, and we appreciate the clarification.—ED.
Alzheimer’s Disease I lead a team of researchers on Alzheimer’s disease for a major pharmaceutical company. So I read with the keenest of interest your outstanding series “Alzheimer’s Disease—Easing the Pain.” (September 22, 1998) I was mightily impressed by the thoroughness with which you covered this pervasive public health problem. And as a congregation elder, I have found the practical counsel in these articles to be invaluable.
S. S., United States
The articles touched my heart because my mother has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for more than ten years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for approaching this subject with tact and respect for those who suffer from it.
E. M., Italy
A coworker who subscribes to Awake! passed the issue on to me because my father has Alzheimer’s. I was especially moved by the article “Preserving the Patient’s Dignity.” I don’t think one can overemphasize this point. Thank you for the timely tips. I’m sure this article has helped a lot of people.
M. P., Canada
I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for the articles. Since my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1986, we have read much literature on it. However, your articles surpassed anything we have read when it comes to warmth, feeling, and empathy. You are so right when you say that those affected by Alzheimer’s need love and tender care, right up to the final stage. My mother is unable to eat or speak. But the article gives us the strength to show even more love and affection to her.
H. E., Austria
As president of the Brazilian Alzheimer’s Association, I wish to congratulate you on the articles. You described Alzheimer’s and its impact on families in a clear way. You were careful to respect the sufferer as an individual, and you presented firsthand accounts showing that love is still the best treatment.
V. C., Brazil