Do You See More Than Your Eyes Do?
CAR drivers cannot ordinarily see around a blind curve. But with the aid of a mirror placed at the curve, oncoming traffic can be detected and accidents avoided. Similarly, humans cannot actually see an invisible Creator. Is there a way to know that such a One exists?
A first-century writer mentioned how we can perceive what we cannot see. He wrote: “[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”—Romans 1:20.
Think about that. Do you see intelligence reflected in things around us that are beyond human ability to create? Do such things help you to see with “eyes of your understanding” that there is someone greater than man? Let us consider some examples.—Ephesians 1:18, King James Version.
Learning From Creation
Have you marveled at the splendor of a brilliant, star-filled sky on a moonless night, seeing in it evidence of a Grand Maker? “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling,” exclaimed an ancient observer. “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared,” this man pondered, “what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?”—Psalm 8:3, 4; 19:1.
It is only natural for us to marvel at creations too wonderful to be duplicated by humans. One famous line of poetry says: “Only God can make a tree.” Yet, far more marvelous is the creation of a baby, which occurs without any creative direction from parents. When sperm from the father unites with an egg from the mother, plans are quickly drawn up in the DNA of the newly formed cell to produce a child. “If written out,” it is said, the instructions within the DNA “would fill a thousand 600-page books.”
That is but the beginning. The original cell divides to make two, then four, then eight, and so on. After about 270 days, a baby made up of thousands of millions of living cells of more than 200 kinds is born. And to think that the original cell had within it the information to make all the different kinds of cells and to produce them at just the right time! Are you moved to praise our Creator? Note the praise furnished by the psalmist who wrote: “You yourself produced my kidneys; you kept me screened off in the belly of my mother. I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made.”—Psalm 139:13-16.
Those who have studied these “miracles” feel a sense of awe. Dr. James H. Hutton, past president of the Chicago and Illinois State Medical societies, said that he was filled with amazement by the cell’s “magical ability to pass on to successor cells the data they wish reproduced. It is indeed wonderful that our research scientists have been able to learn about such things. But some Divine Intelligence surely must have planned these phenomena.”
Dr. Hutton continued: “In my own subspecialty of endocrinology, the study of endocrine functions and the disorders of these glands adds to the conviction that a Divine Power must be responsible for the marvelous complexity and function of these vital structures.” He concluded: “Contemplating these marvels seems to me compelling reason to believe that some omnipotent and omniscient power planned this universe, set it in motion and presides over it.”
After making these observations, Dr. Hutton asked: “Is He a personal God who notes each sparrow’s fall?” He answered: “Somehow I doubt that. Nor do I believe that He pays any particular attention to my relatively unimportant daily coming and going.”
Why do many acknowledge that intelligence is evident in the “miracles” of creation but question the existence of a personal God who is concerned about humankind?
Does God Really Care About Us?
Many reason that if there were a God, he would not permit humans to suffer so much. A common question some ask is, “Where was God when we needed him?” One person who survived the murder of millions by the Nazis in World War II was so grieved by the suffering he saw that he said: “If you could lick my heart, it would poison you.”
So for many it is a dilemma. As the ancient observer mentioned earlier noted, the evidence of a Creator is obvious when we examine the miraculous order and design of things. Yet, if He is a God who cares about us, how can He permit such terrible suffering? If we are to understand and to worship God properly, we must have a satisfying answer to that important question. Where can we find it?
We invite you to obtain a copy of the brochure Does God Really Care About Us? On page 32 of this Awake!, you can learn how to request one. We feel that a careful examination of the sections “Why God Has Permitted Suffering” and “What Has Been the Result of Rebellion?” will provide you with satisfying answers.
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Do you see in these things evidence of a Creator?