The setting of the book is in Babylon, with one of its visions in Shushan by the river Ulai. Whether Daniel was in Shushan actually or in a visionary way is not clear. The writing was completed in about 536 B.C.E. and the book covers the period from 618 to about 536 B.C.E.—Dan. 8:1, 2.
That Daniel was the writer is made evident by the book itself. It reports: “In the first year of Belshazzar the king of Babylon, Daniel himself beheld a dream and visions of his head upon his bed. At that time he wrote down the dream itself. The complete account of the matters he told.” (Dan. 7:1) His being the writer is also apparent from the fact that chapters seven to twelve are written in the first person.
Chapters one to six are written in the third person, but this does not argue against Daniel’s writership. He took the position of an observer who was reporting what was happening to himself and others. Another Bible writer, Jeremiah, does this frequently. (See Jeremiah 20:1-6; 21:1-3 and chapters 26 and 36.) Again, Jeremiah writes in the first person.—Jer. chaps. 1, 13, 15, 18.
In the English Bible Daniel is placed among the major prophets, immediately after Ezekiel. This is the order followed in the Septuagint and in the Latin Vulgate. In the Hebrew canon Daniel is placed in the “Writings” or “Hagiographa.”
Some critics question the authenticity of Daniel, although learned and able scholars have written conclusive refutations of their theories, which theories are all based on supposition. The critics of the authenticity of the book assume the position taken by a third-century heathen philosopher and enemy of Christianity, Porphyry, who contended that the book of Daniel was forged by a Palestinian Jew of the time of Antiochus Epiphanes. This forger, he theorized, took past events and made them appear to be prophecies. The genuineness of the book of Daniel was not seriously questioned, however, from that day until the early part of the eighteenth century. Although the knowledge of the critics of historical events and details of Babylonian life in the sixth century B.C.E. is meager, they presume to be able to pass judgment on the accuracy of Daniel. As archaeological discoveries increase man’s knowledge about this period, the book of Daniel is vindicated and the critics are proved wrong. Jesus Christ’s own acceptance of Daniel’s prophecy, however, is an even more significant evidence of its authenticity.—Matt. 24:15; Dan. 11:31.
Three manuscripts of parts of the book of Daniel and many fragments of it were found in the Dead Sea caves. These scrolls date from the first or second century B.C.E.; the book of Daniel was an accepted part of the Scriptures in that time and was so well known to the Jews that many copies had already been made of it. That it was recognized as a canonical book of that time is supported by the writer of the apocryphal, but historical, book of First Maccabees (2:59, 60), which made reference to Daniel’s deliverance from the den of lions, and that of the three Hebrews from the fiery furnace.
We have also the testimony of the Jewish historian Josephus, who states that the prophecies of Daniel were shown to Alexander the Great when he entered Jerusalem. This occurred before 323 B.C.E., more than 150 years before the Maccabean period. Josephus says of the event: “When the book of Daniel was showed him, wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended.” (Antiquities of the Jews, Book XI, chap. VIII, par. 5) History also recounts that Alexander bestowed great favors on the Jews, and this is believed to be because of what Daniel said about him in prophecy.
Critics, to support the above-mentioned theory of a second-century forgery, claim that the book was full of historical blunders. But among those who possessed a good number of copies of the book and who accepted it as canonical were educated Jews of the Maccabean period, who had access to the historical writings of such men as Herodotus, Ctesias, Berossus and others, and thus were acquainted with history. The Persian Empire was overthrown only about 150 years before their time. These Jews, therefore, lived close enough to the Persian period to be acquainted with the names of the Persian rulers, yet they found no historical blunders in the book regarding these rulers, as the critics today who are living more than 2,200 years from that period claim there are. If the book of Daniel had been full of historical errors, the Jews of the Maccabean period would undoubtedly have rejected it as they did the apocryphal writings, such as Maccabees, Tobit and Judith.
On the basis of the languages used in Daniel some unfounded criticisms of the book have been made, but there is strong argument supporting the statements in the book of Daniel as to the time of its writing. The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol. II, p. 785, says: “We claim, however, that the composite Aramaic of Daniel agrees in almost every particular of orthography, etymology and syntax, with the Aramaic of the North Semitic inscriptions of the 9th, 8th and 7th centuries BC and of the Egyptian papyri of the 5th century BC, and that the vocabulary of Daniel has an admixture of Hebrew, Babylonian and Persian words, similar to that of the papyri of the 5th century BC; whereas, it differs in composition from the Aramaic of the Nabateans, which is devoid of Persian, Hebrew, and Babylonian words, and is full of Arabisms, and also from that of the Palmyrenes, which is full of Greek words, while having but one or two Persian words, and no Hebrew or Babylonian.”
There are some so-called Persian words in Daniel, but in view of the frequent dealings that the Jews had with Babylonians, Medes, Persians and others, this is not unusual. Furthermore, most of the foreign names used by Daniel are names of officials, articles of clothing, legal terms and such, for which the Hebrew or Aramaic of the time apparently had no equally suitable terms. Daniel was writing for his people who were for the most part in Babylonia, and many were scattered in other places at this time. Therefore, he wrote in language that would be understandable to them.
Another objection is that Daniel alludes to the resurrection. (Dan. 12:13) This is assumed by some to be a doctrine later developed or taken from a pagan belief, but the Hebrew Scriptures abound with statements of belief in a resurrection, for example, at Job 14:13, 15; Psalm 16:10. Also, there are actual instances of resurrection. (1 Ki. 17:21, 22; 2 Ki. 4:22-37; 13:20, 21) And on no less authority than the apostle Paul we have the statement that Abraham had faith in the raising up of the dead (Heb. 11:17-19), and also that other faithful servants of God of ancient times looked forward to the resurrection. (Heb. 11:13, 35-40; Rom. 4:16, 17) Jesus himself said: “But that the dead are raised up even Moses disclosed, in the account about the thornbush, when he calls Jehovah ‘the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob.’”—Luke 20:37.
Those who claim that the book is not really prophetic but was written after the events occurred would have to move up the time of writing of the book beyond the days of Jesus’ ministry on earth for the ninth chapter admittedly contains a prophecy concerning the Messiah’s appearance and sacrifice. (Dan. 9:25-27) Also, the prophecy continues on down far beyond then to a period centuries after Antiochus Epiphanes, and recounts the history of the kingdoms that would rule right down to “the time of the end,” when they will be destroyed by the kingdom of God in the hands of his Messiah.—Dan. 7:9-14, 25-27; 2:44; 11:35, 40.
Daniel is outstanding in his recording of prophetic time periods: The sixty-nine weeks (of years) from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah, the events to take place within the seventieth week and the destruction of Jerusalem to follow soon afterward, the “seven times,” which Jesus called “the appointed times of the nations” and indicated that they were still running at the time that he was on earth, with their conclusion at a much later date; and the periods of 1,290, 1,335 and 2,300 days, also “an appointed time, appointed times and a half,” all of which time prophecies are vital to an understanding of God’s dealings with his people. The angel’s inspired interpretation of the prophecy regarding the beasts as representing world powers (Dan. 8:20, 21) is of great assistance to Bible scholars in understanding the symbolism of the beasts in Revelation.—Dan. 4:25; Luke 21:24.
Daniel also gives details concerning the rise and fall of world powers from the time of ancient Babylon right on down till the time when the kingdom of God crushes them out of existence forever. The prophecy directs attention to the kingdom of God, in the hands of his appointed king and his associate “holy ones,” as the government that will endure forever, for the blessing of all who serve God.—Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14, 27.
Daniel’s record of the deliverance of his three companions from the fiery furnace for refusing to bow down before Nebuchadnezzar’s great golden image (chap. 3) is an account of the legal establishment of the right of Jehovah’s worshipers to give him exclusive devotion, in the realm of the first world power during the “Gentile times.” It also helps Christians to discern that their subjection to the superior authorities, as mentioned at Romans 13:1, is relative, in harmony also with the actions of the apostles in Acts 4:19, 20 and 5:29. It strengthens Christians as to their position of neutrality as regards the affairs of the nations, revealing that their neutrality may bring them into difficulty, but whether God delivers them at the time, or even permits them to be killed for their integrity, the Christian position is that they will worship and serve Jehovah God alone.—Dan. 3:16-18; see APPOINTED TIMES OF THE NATIONS; BEASTS, SYMBOLIC; DANIEL No. 2; SEVENTY WEEKS; the book “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial,” pp. 138-142.
I. Training of royal captives and nobles brought to Babylon in 617 B.C.E. (chap. 1)
A. Daniel and three companions request exemption from partaking of king’s wine and delicacies; ten-day test proves superiority of vegetable-and-water diet (1-16)
B. After three-year training Daniel and companions prove wiser than other “wise men,” through God’s blessing (17-21)
II. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the immense “dreadful” image (chap. 2)
A. Babylon’s “wise men” fail to tell or interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (1-13)
B. Daniel reveals and interprets dream; gives credit to God (14-28)
1. Depicts world powers, starting with Babylon and ending with destruction by kingdom of God (29-45)
2. Daniel raised to authority over all wise men and made ruler over all the jurisdictional district of Babylon; three companions appointed to administrative positions (46, 48, 49)
C. Nebuchadnezzar extols Daniel’s God (47)
III. Integrity of Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach) and Azariah (Abednego) (chap. 3)
A. Giant golden image 60 cubits high set up; all officials called to bow before it (1-7)
B. Three young Hebrews refuse to bow (8-18)
1. Thrown into superheated furnace; attendants killed by heat (19-23)
2. One like “a son of the gods” appears with three men in furnace (24, 25)
3. Taken out unharmed, unsinged (26, 27)
C. Nebuchadnezzar praises God; issues law forbidding saying anything against God (28-30)
IV. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the great tree (chap. 4)
A. Height reaches heavens; visible to whole earth; provides food and shelter (1-12)
B. Watcher decrees its cutting down; stump left in earth, banded with iron and copper (13-17)
C. Daniel interprets, applies to Nebuchadnezzar (18-27)
D. Fulfilled in Nebuchadnezzar’s insanity; he becomes as beast for “seven times” (28-33)
E. Restored to sanity; reestablished on throne, Nebuchadnezzar praises, exalts, glorifies God; realizes God is ruler among army of heavens and kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever he pleases (34-37)
V. Handwriting on wall (chap. 5)
A. Belshazzar desecrates temple vessels in feast before 1,000 grandees (1-4)
B. Hand appears, writing on plaster of wall words men of Belshazzar’s court cannot read or explain (5-9)
C. Queen counsels Belshazzar to call Daniel (10-12)
D. Daniel interprets words to mean that Belshazzar’s kingdom is given to Medes and Persians; Daniel made third ruler in kingdom (13-29)
E. Belshazzar killed that night; Darius the Mede rules (30, 31)
VI. Daniel in lions’ pit (chap. 6)
A. Daniel’s rise in King Darius’ favor envied by high officials and satraps (1-3)
1. Seek to trap him on point of law of Daniel’s God (4, 5)
2. Induce Darius to order that no petition be made to any god or man except the king for thirty days (6-9)
3. Daniel’s integrity tested
a. Continues to pray daily despite decree (10-15)
b. Thrown into lions’ pit; God delivers him by shutting lions’ mouths (16-23)
4. Schemers thrown with sons and wives into lions’ pit, killed (24)
B. Darius issues edict for people to fear God of Daniel (25-28)
VII. March of world powers (chaps. 7, 8)
A. World powers beginning with Babylon depicted by lion, bear, leopard and terrible beast with ten horns (chap. 7)
B. Small horn overcomes three others, speaks grandiose things (7:8)
1. Tries to change God’s appointed time for Kingdom rule (7:20-22, 24, 25)
2. Fights God’s holy ones. They are given into his hand for period of three and a half times (7:25)
C. Kingdom given by “Ancient of Days” to son of man; rulership of terrible beast and its small horn taken away and beast consigned to fire; Kingdom rules forever over all kingdoms and rulerships (7:9-14, 26-28)
D. Ram, he-goat and small horn represent world powers to succeed Babylon (8:1-7)
1. Two-horned ram = Medo-Persian Empire (8:20)
2. Male of the goats = Grecian Empire (8:21)
3. Grecian Empire breaks into four kingdoms (8:8, 22)
4. Small horn stands up against Prince of princes (8:9-11, 23-25)
a. 2,300 days from taking away of “constant feature” and “transgression causing desolation” until the holy place brought to its right condition (8:12-14)
b. Horn broken “without hand” (8:25b)
c. Angel Gabriel explains that vision not to be revealed then, but is “for many days” (8:26, 27)
VIII. Seventy weeks (of years) (chap. 9)
A. Daniel discerns liberation of Jews near, after seventy years (1, 2)
B. He confesses national sins to God, entreats forgiveness for Jehovah’s name’s sake (3-19)
C. Gabriel gives vision concerning seventy weeks, to count from decree for rebuilding of Jerusalem (20-25)
1. Seven weeks until Jerusalem fully rebuilt (25)
2. Sixty-two more weeks until advent of Messiah (26)
a. Transgression terminated; atonement accomplished (24a)
b. Everlasting righteousness brought in; Holy of Holies anointed (24b)
3. Covenant (Abrahamic) in force for Jews exclusively for one week; Messiah cut off, at the half of the week he causes sacrifice and gift offering to cease (26a, 27a)
4. Afterward city and holy place desolated (26b, 27b)
IX. Daniel visited by angel sent with a vision of “final part of the days” (chaps. 10, 11)
A. Angel resisted by (demon) prince of Persia for twenty-one days; assisted by Michael (10:13)
1. Daniel strengthened to receive vision from angel who later must fight with prince of Persia and face also prince of Greece (10:7-12, 15-20)
2. Michael, prince of Daniel’s people, stands with God’s angel (10:21)
B. The king of north and king of south (chap. 11)
1. After successor of Persia (Alexander the Great) falls, kingdom is divided, the king of south becomes strong; defeats king of north (11:1-12)
2. King of north has long domination (11:13-26)
3. King of south defeats king of north (11:27-30a)
4. King of north makes alliance with those leaving the holy covenant and fights God’s people, fails to destroy them (11:30b-31a, 32)
5. Disgusting thing that causes desolation “put in place” (11:31b)
6. God’s people undergo great trials, but receive help (11:33-35)
7. King of north grows mighty, speaks against God, puts himself up to be worshiped but himself worships god of fortresses (11:36-39)
8. In time of end king of south engages with king of north in a pushing (11:40a)
a. King of north overflows many countries, invades land of Decoration (of Jehovah’s people) (11:40b-43)
b. Reports out of east and north disturb king of north; he plants tents between holy mountain and sea, comes to his end (11:44, 45)
C. Features of time of end (chap. 12)
1. Michael, prince of Daniel’s people, to stand up (1-3)
a. World’s worst time of trouble (1)
b. Many awakened to indefinitely lasting life or to abhorrence and reproaches (2)
c. Those having insight shine; turn many to righteousness (3)
2. Knowledge of book to become abundant after long period of sealing (4-9)
a. Many cleanse selves; refined (10a)
b. Wicked ones do not understand (10b)
3. Time periods
a. Three and a half times to finish of dashing holy people to pieces (7)
b. 1,290 days from removing constant feature and placing disgusting thing (11)
c. Happiness at end of 1,335 days (12)
4. Daniel to die, stand up for his lot at end of days (13)