(Formerly called British Honduras)
Belize Barrier Reef: g 10/14 10-11; g 1/07 23-26
description: g 10/14 10-11; yb10 201-202, 208; w90 4/15 22
history: yb10 201-202
languages: g 10/14 11; yb10 208
maps: g 10/14 10; yb10 209; w90 4/15 22
demography: yb10 208; w90 4/15 22
Maya: yb10 231-232
Jehovah’s Witnesses
assemblies: yb10 221, 223, 245, 248-249, 251
Assembly Halls: yb10 245, 248-249, 251-254
ban on new missionaries (1957-1961): yb10 216-217, 219, 244
ban on publications (World War II): yb10 212
branch office: jv 358
Belize City (1946): yb10 213, 244; w90 4/15 23
Belize City (1959): yb10 220-221, 244
branch office having oversight:
Mexico (2001- ): yb13 13; yb10 245, 254-255
branch overseers: yb10 220
congregations: yb10 213-216, 219, 221-222, 224, 226, 252
early witnessing: yb10 202-203; w90 4/15 22-23
field ministry:
coins found on roads: yb17 40
remote areas: yb10 225-226, 229-234, 237, 240-241; jv 358; w90 4/15 23-25
growth: yb10 212, 214, 216, 219, 244-245, 255
Hurricane Dean (2007): yb10 255
Hurricane Hattie (1961): yb10 242-243, 245
Hurricane Keith (2000): yb10 243, 245-248, 250
Kingdom Halls: yb10 219-221, 223, 237, 240, 244-245, 254; w08 2/1 21-22; jv 325
quickly built: w90 4/15 23-24; yb88 21-22
meetings: yb10 204, 206, 232-233, 241, 248
Memorial: g 10/14 11; w90 4/15 25; yb88 10
minority-language field: g 10/14 11
Chinese (Mandarin): yb10 251-253
Garifuna (Garinagu): yb10 215
Maya: yb10 225-237, 240-241
Spanish: yb10 220-223
missionaries: yb10 210-214, 216-217, 219-220, 244, 250; jv 461; w90 4/15 22-23
modern history: yb10 200-255; w90 4/15 22-25
Allen, Amybelle: yb10 206-207, 218, 224
Brown, Cora: yb10 204
Cardoza, Frank and Alice: yb10 232-233, 236, 238-239
Cocom, Rodolfo and Ofelia: yb10 226, 229-230
Contreras, Serviliano: yb10 221
Fayad, Nora: yb10 204
Flores, Beverly Ann: yb10 215
Flowers, Octabelle: yb10 206
Gonzalez, Arthur and Roberta: yb10 238, 251-252
Gordon, James: yb10 202-203, 205, 210-211, 244; w90 4/15 22
Heyen, Charles: yb10 210-214; w90 4/15 22-23
Hodgeson, Thaddius: yb10 203-204, 210, 244; w90 4/15 22-23
Hyatt, James: yb10 204-206, 211
Ihrig, Elmer: yb10 210-214; w90 4/15 22-23
Jenkins, James (Jimsie): yb10 204
Johnson, Freida: yb10 202-203, 244; w90 4/15 22
Kay, Marcial and Manuela: yb10 226, 229
Knight, Olga: yb10 206-207, 214
Lacayo, Alejandro and Rebecca: yb10 250-251
Lightburn, Herman and Derrine: yb10 205-207
Longsworth, George: yb10 207, 210
Mai, Teófila: yb10 222-224
Medina, Rafael: yb10 210-211, 222
Miller, Lilly: yb10 218
Niebrugge, Donald: yb10 229, 231, 250
Pitcher, Leslie: yb10 220
Pratt, Cecilia: yb10 246-248
Randall, Arthur: yb10 204
Requeña, León: yb10 210-211
Robateau, Alphonsena: yb10 205-206
Salazar, Ramón and Margarita: yb10 222-224
Sho, Jorge: yb10 235-236
Sho, Nicolas: yb10 235-236
Sho, Priscilian: yb10 233-235, 237
Simons, Carl and Martha: yb10 227-228, 239
Snider, Donald: yb10 220
Thompson, Reiner and Jeanne: yb10 225, 249
pioneers: yb10 207, 210, 218, 224, 255
special pioneers: yb10 206, 226, 229, 231-232, 246-248
August Pine Ridge: yb10 209, 222-224
Belize City: yb10 203-204, 207, 209-212, 216, 244, 254
Benque Viejo: yb10 209, 220-221
Black Creek: yb10 207, 209, 214, 216
Bomba: yb10 202, 209, 214, 216, 244
Crique Sarco: yb10 209, 226, 229-230
Crooked Tree: yb10 207, 209, 214
Ladyville: yb10 209, 243, 245, 251-254
Orange Walk: yb10 209, 213-214, 216, 221-224
Punta Gorda: yb10 209, 214, 225-226, 229, 249
San Antonio: yb10 209, 226, 232-234, 237, 240-241
San Pedro: w90 4/15 23-24
book Children: yb10 207
book The Harp of God: yb10 205-206
book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life: yb10 226
Kingdom News No. 34: yb10 232
relief work:
Hurricane Keith (2000): yb10 248
Hurricane Mitch (1998): g99 6/8 19
service experiences: w98 1/1 4; w90 4/15 23-24
abandoned by family: yb10 252-253
bush trips: yb10 225-228
former village chief: yb10 237, 240-241
impressed by Kingdom Hall construction: w08 2/1 22
Maya youths face opposed father: yb10 233-237
member of Nazarene Church: yb10 232
sea trips: yb10 230-231
Taiwanese mother: yb10 251-252
serving where need is greater: yb10 238-239
visits by—
Franz, F. W.: yb10 213; w90 4/15 23
Knorr, N. H.: yb10 213, 216; w90 4/15 23