A command to praise the Almighty Creator, Jehovah, is found in the Christian Greek Scriptures at Revelation 19:6, NW, in these words: “Praise Jah, you people.” In response, an ever-increasing crowd of sincere worshipers offer as praise “the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name”. (Heb. 13:15) The opportunity to thus use one’s lips and take part in this grand proclamation is now here. God-fearing persons, recognizing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, know that the most important work in this world today is that of rendering praise to the honor and glory of the now ruling King. It is with this group of proclaimers that you are now invited to work, sharing in life-giving praise. During the month of December, the book What Has Religion Done for Mankind? and a booklet will be offered to truth-seeking people on a contribution of 50c. To permit the efforts put forth in this month’s activity to be accurately determined, a report of the time you spend should be turned in to the company of Jehovah’s witnesses in your locality or mailed in to the nearest branch office listed under the front cover of this magazine.
Is there a person who does not love to sing? Surely, regardless of how poor his voice or how limited his knowledge of music, everyone loves to use his voice in giving expression to his inner feelings. To aid Christians in giving expression to their inner feelings of heartfelt appreciation of Jehovah, His King, the Kingdom and their privileges of service the Society has provided a songbook of 91 Songs to Jehovah’s Praise. Included therein are many beautiful new songs as well as the old favorites improved and brought up to date. It is bound in an attractive brown and two-tone green cover and is printed in large, readable type. Measures 5 1/8ʺ by 7 5/16ʺ. Mailed on a contribution of 15c.
Week of January 20: “Say to the Prisoners, Go Forth.”
Week of January 27: Release Under Way to the Ends of the Earth.