God’s work is healthful, upbuilding and clean, and those who are his ministers must likewise be clean servants. (Isa. 52:11) This includes being clean in spiritual things and promoting clean doctrine. The Watchtower magazine is a rigorous exponent of clean worship, in the field of morals as well as in spiritual matters. It is a valuable instrument to promote a clean organization, for it adheres strictly to God’s Word and his righteous principles. Little wonder, then, that during March those who love what is clean and right will continue to offer The Watchtower to friends, neighbors and strangers, on the regular subscription of $1 for 24 issues, with three free booklets. Perhaps some of our readers will wish to help others gain freedom from unclean, false religious dogmas. If so, we invite you to send for the two-color, pocket-size tract entitled “The Trinity—Divine Mystery or Pagan Myth?” A packet of 200 costs only 25c. With scriptures and facts it shows the trinity doctrine to be false, based upon pagan beliefs. Ask for tract No. 6.
Everyone likes to spread good news. There is no better news today than that which tells of the established kingdom of God and the new world blessings it will soon bring to humankind. News that many of the dead will again come to life! News that the age-old doctrine of the trinity is pagan, not Christian! News that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and the only reliable guide in the present world crisis! The Watchtower Society has published four small two-color tracts, with illustrations, that will enable you to have part in spreading good news. They are entitled “Hope for the Dead”, “The Trinity—Divine Mystery or Pagan Myth?” “How Valuable Is the Bible?” and “Life in a New World”. Send for a supply, naming the tracts you want. The cost is 25c for 200.
Week of March 29: When Will God’s Kingdom Come? ¶1-22.
Week of April 5: When Will God’s Kingdom Come? ¶23-40.