1, 2. Following the foregoing happenings, for what, then, did the international assembly at Yankee Stadium afford the opportunity?
IN LEADING the assembly on to still another surprise after the one just described, the president proceeded to say:
2 What an opportunity this unparalleled occasion affords as we brothers are met together in international assembly with tens of thousands of representatives from the four quarters of the earth! To crystallize our realization of ourselves as one united New World society and to go on record before God and his kingdom and our absent brothers and all mankind, I move the adoption of the following
3. How is the scene of this world now changing and with what ignorance on the part of men and nations?
3 “THE scene of this world is changing.” (1 Corinthians 7:31, New World Translation) These inspired words, written nineteen centuries ago, cannot be challenged today, either by the lowly common man or by mighty world powers and ruling factors. Since the year 1914 the world has passed through strange and startling events, and their climax has not yet been reached. Everywhere men and nations are in a state of growing distress and perplexity, and confessedly they do not know what the final shape of things will be and whether it will be for human weal or for human woe.
4. What has that same Word foretold as ahead, and in view of the coming violent change what has Jehovah now prepared and commissioned for service?
4 The same Word that foretold the complete changing of the world scene foretold also the new scene that was to come to the view of mankind, a righteous new world of endless life amid an unbroken peace and prosperity. It is the infallible Word of the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, that gives men this heartening good news written over his own name: “that they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” (Psalm 83:18, American Standard Version) In his wisdom and foresight he has in every case prepared his faithful worshipers for the destiny-making changes ahead; for instance, Noah and his household, who were warned and prepared to survive the global inundation with which the entire world of that day passed off the scene. True to his loving-kindness, and in view of the passing of the present old world off the scene shortly in a trouble the like of which has never yet been, the Most High God, Jehovah, has prepared a New World society and given it the Scriptural hope of surviving into that righteous new world which he has promised. Its members he has made his witnesses, to uphold and proclaim his rightful sovereignty over heaven and earth, to sound the final warning of the coming violent change of the world scene, and to recommend his Messianic kingdom as the one and only hope for a race that the Devil is driving to destruction.
5. Therefore what did those gathered in assembly seize the occasion for adopting?
5 THEREFORE we, as witnesses of Jehovah and as members of his New World society, gathered in our scores of thousands from scores of lands in international assembly here at Yankee Stadium, New York city, N. Y., this 20th day of July, 1953, seize this as a most fitting occasion to adopt the following resolution:
6. What did they resolve to continue declaring to the people as regards A.D. 1914?
6 THAT in all the nations represented by us we unitedly continue to declare to the peoples that in the year 1914 the Supreme Judge of men and nations brought to an end his “appointed times of the nations” for uninterrupted world domination. At the same time, to replace this long experiment of imperfect men at self-government on earth with all the sad consequences of failure, the Supreme Authority brought forth the kingdom of his Anointed Son Jesus Christ. This is therefore the only government with right and authority to continue to rule all the earth and its inhabitants. It alone now has the backing of the Most High God, Jehovah, and is empowered to fulfill toward afflicted mankind all the prophecies of his inspired Word by removing from them the oppressive superhuman rule of Satan the Devil, “the god of this system of things,” and his demons, and by exercising a righteous heavenly rule for the blessing of obedient men of good will with perfect human life and all its needs for happiness in a paradise earth.
7. For what benefits did they publicly acknowledge their debt, and what did they positively disavow in submission to God?
7 THAT we publicly acknowledge our debt to Jehovah for the vision and hope he has given us of his promised new world of righteousness. Gratefully and humbly we confess before all mankind what he has done for us as Christians who are wholly dedicated to him and his will and purpose. He has taken us out of this old world and made us his people, reserved for his new world. He has made us a New World society by his dealings with us according to his precious promises. This New World society thus derives its origin from no human source and it is dependent upon no earthly political states, applying to none of them for its incorporation as a body and for the chartering of its existence and activities. Although it is no part of this present distressed system of things but is preparing for life and service in the divine system of things to come, yet this New World society disavows all subversive movements against the institutions of this world. It cannot promote, approve or take part in any violent overthrow by men of governments of this world. It subjects itself under the mighty hand of Jehovah God and waits upon him to bring in his new world in his own way by the heavenly kingdom of his Son Jesus Christ.
8. To what things in common will we hold fast as ties, and accordingly how will we live?
8 THAT, as a New World society, we hold fast to the indissoluble ties that bind us. We are one people, without distinction according to race, color, language, tribe or nation. We have the one living and true God, Jehovah. We have one common Monarch under God, his Son and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We have a law common to us all no matter where we live, Jehovah’s theocratic law set forth in the Holy Bible. We have been taken out of the nations and divided off from the doomed world. We have the one country to which we are unitedly moving, the new world of God’s creating. We are one family of brothers under God’s one provision for salvation through Jesus Christ. In accord with these facts, we will live in peace and harmony with one another and, as far as within us lies, be at peace with all men everywhere, till the actual new world enters.
9. To what responsibility will we continue to measure up, and how?
9 And, finally,
THAT we continue to measure up to the responsibility that the divine statement lays upon us: “Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am God.” (Isaiah 43:12, American Standard Version) We count it a high honor and favor to be made Jehovah’s witnesses, and never want to prove finally unworthy of it. Hence, despite the hatred, the reproach and the persecution that men without understanding may heap upon us, we will press forward, true to our divine commission, bearing witness to Jehovah’s universal sovereignty and his holy name, preaching in all the inhabited earth the good news of the established kingdom of his anointed Son, Jesus Christ, and comforting all who mourn. This we will do by giving Bible education to all peoples publicly and from house to house, by all the means available, that all who will may take their stand on the side of the Kingdom and become a part with us of the New World society under Christ and share its hope and attainment of life eternal in Jehovah’s righteous new world.
10. What action was taken toward the proposed Resolution?
10 The motion in favor of adopting the above Resolution was seconded by Percy Chapman, the chairman of the New World Society Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The question now being put, the Resolution was adopted by a roar of acclamation and with sustained applause, by the assembly. The next issue of the assembly’s newspaper, the 1953 Convention Report of Jehovah’s Witnesses, contained the Resolution in full statement and was distributed by the conventioners throughout New York city and its environs.