Loyalty to Theocratic Organization
LIFE is a gift of God. All sane persons desire life. However, to gain it everlastingly we must want it so much as to be willing to meet God’s requirements for it. Among those requirements is loyalty to his theocratic organization.a
The word “theocratic” means that which is according to God’s rule or law. “Loyalty” means faithfulness in love and duty, faithfulness to one’s obligations. Loyalty to theocratic organization, therefore, means to be in heart harmony with God’s arrangements.
In the days of Israel’s kings, loyalty to theocratic organization meant going up to Jerusalem for worship and sacrifice. (Deut. 12:5, 11) King Jeroboam lost Jehovah’s favor because, fearful for his ten-tribe kingdom if his people went to Jerusalem to worship, he set up a rival worship at Dan and Bethel.—1 Ki. 12:26-30.
Jehovah does not change. (Mal. 3:6, AS) Today he also has a theocratic organization, known as “the Society,” upon which he has placed his spirit and which has his blessing, as so strikingly shown at the recent New World Society Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Some, with a high opinion of themselves, have complained against that theocratic organization, saying, ‘Jehovah is also dealing with us.’ But the fruits they bear prove them wrong, even as Aaron and Miriam were proved wrong when they presumptuously exalted themselves against Jehovah’s chosen servant Moses.—Num. 12:1-15.
Our loyalty to the theocratic organization is tested by temptation or adversity. Temptation to disloyalty may come when we see that another, who seemingly has less natural ability than ourselves, is placed in a more prominent position. But loyalty will remind us that all the truth we have received came to us in the first place through the “faithful and discreet slave” organization, and that, even as God has given us the truth, he can take it away from us. (Matt. 24:45-47; 1 Cor. 4:6, 7) We will therefore from the heart co-operate and help such a one.
Then again our loyalty may be tested because of unjust treatment, within the organization or from our families. At such times we must bear in mind that Jesus promised such things would come and that if God permits it we can, with his help, endure it and thus make manifest our loyalty.—Matt. 10:36; 18:7; Rom. 8:28; 1 Cor. 10:13.
Or, because Armageddon has not come as soon as we once expected we may grow impatient and doubt that God is using the theocratic organization to feed his people with spiritual truths. To fail under such a test of loyalty would be disastrous, even as it was for the Israelites encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai when they grew impatient waiting for Moses to return. (Exodus, chapter 32) To meet all such tests of loyalty requires love, for Jehovah and our neighbor.—Mark 12:29-31, NW.
The four Hebrew youths taken to Babylon set a good example. Being loyal in a seemingly minor matter, that of food, they were able to stand when severer test came. (Daniel, chapters 1, 3 and 6) So we today, if we are loyal to the theocratic organization in that which is less or least, then, when faced with emergencies or severe tests, we shall be able to keep loyal to the theocratic organization and thus keep a good conscience, gain Jehovah’s approval and win everlasting life.
a For details see The Watchtower, September 15, 1952.