False Shepherd’s Flock Obtains Truth
As a result of the activity of Watch Tower missionaries in Recife, Brazil, members of an Evangelist church began asking their pastor many embarrassing questions. He told them that Jehovah’s witnesses were false prophets and that their teachings were not supported by the Bible. At their request a special representative of the Watch Tower Society called upon the pastor in his own church with practically all of his members present. When it became apparent that the pastor was unable to properly defend his position from the Scriptures, comments were heard from his members to the effect that Jehovah’s witnesses were teaching good doctrine. The owner of the hall in which the pastor conducted his services spoke up saying that it was more than just good doctrine, it was the truth and that he would like to learn more and become one of Jehovah’s witnesses.
Infuriated at this the pastor threatened that if they were going to listen to Jehovah’s witnesses he would get out. No one objecting, he stormed out shouting that he was taking the chairs, as these were his property. When the group was asked by Jehovah’s witnesses if they would like to hear more, the owner of the hall offered the use of the hall free and volunteered to assist in getting chairs. A Bible study was arranged for that soon became the talk of the district. For the first six months an average of forty attended the study, and eleven different ones already were sharing in telling others the good things they had learned.