Oh, for a Fragment of Faith!
In Kirkcaldy, Scotland, a pioneer witness of Jehovah was having a Bible study with a young lady who was interested in the name “Jehovah.” The witness determined to procure a copy of the Scriptures in Hebrew so that she could show her the tetragrammaton in its original form. She felt that the person most likely to have a copy would be a clergyman; so she visited one in the town. After listening with interest to her reason for wanting the book he willingly loaned her a copy. Then he said that if his, or any other church in town, could boast of having one, yes one, Bible student with a fragment of the faith displayed by every one of Jehovah’s witnesses, they might be hopeful of being on the right pathway. He confessed that the churches were in a hopeless darkness and that he had spoken openly to other clergymen about the manifest faith of Jehovah’s witnesses at a time when God’s true witnesses should be expected to display such outstanding faith. The Bible gives this reply: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”—Prov. 29:18.