Check Your Memory
After reading this issue of “The Watchtower,” do you remember—
✔ What enticement can lead you away from the narrow gate of right principle? P. 227, ¶1.
✔ What ancient fact a bronze plaque at Athens’ Mars’ Hill records? P. 229, ¶3.
✔ What “Hallelujah” really means? P. 230, ¶8.
✔ How the first man worshiped? P. 233, ¶21.
✔ Why men die? P. 234, ¶24.
✔ Why Jesus can serve as mediator between God and men? P. 237, ¶33.
✔ Why, since Christendom has the Bible, there is a spiritual famine today? P. 241, ¶3.
✔ Why the religious title “Reverend” is improper? P. 242, ¶5.
✔ Why Christians are not to use images as an aid to worship? P. 243, ¶6.
✔ How the preaching of the Kingdom message became possible in Russia? P. 245, ¶5.
✔ What spiritual fruitfulness is evident at the Russian penal camp at Vorkuta? P. 247, ¶9.
✔ What showed the Poles that Jehovah’s witnesses were far from “liquidated”? P. 249, ¶2.
✔ How many of Jehovah’s witnesses earth-wide petitioned the Russian government for relief of their brothers? P. 250, ¶3.
✔ How various Russian ambassadors received Jehovah’s witnesses’ petitions? P. 252, ¶6.
✔ Whether Jesus’ statement: “I and my Father are one” proves the trinity? P. 255, ¶4.