In time of war great effort is made to keep one’s movements or plans from the enemy. To keep the enemy in the dark and divert him from gaining knowledge, war strategy is used. Soldiers for Christ in dealing with enemies of God, who hate truth and want to stop others from learning it, wisely use theocratic war strategy, not to hurt or harm, but to keep the “wolves” from hindering efforts to aid sheeplike people who are hungering for knowledge of truth and righteousness. On meeting “wolves” Christians will use strategy, being wise as serpents yet innocent as doves, in accord with Jesus’ direction at Matthew 10:16. Throughout May, just as in April, Jehovah’s witnesses will continue to seek sheeplike persons by calling from house to house. The May offer will be two Bible study aid books and two booklets on a contribution of $1. All participating in the work during April will want to continue in May and the coming months, honoring Jehovah and aiding other sheep while time permits.
Have you enjoyed this magazine that is in your hand? Ask yourself, Have you not learned at least one important fact about the Most High God or his Word, the Holy Bible? Is that not worthwhile gain? Another thing. Turn to the inside front cover. Note the forty-five languages into which this information is being translated. Note the astounding circulation of this same information. What does this indicate? It means that people all over the world are interested in the announcement of Jehovah’s kingdom that is featured in The Watchtower. It shows that their hope is centered in the provisions of Jehovah God rather than in the continually failing schemes of man. You can join regularly with these hundreds of thousands in the most profitable study that is now available. Send only one dollar today and receive The Watchtower twice a month through the mail for one year. You will also be sent the 96-page booklet What Do the Scriptures Say About “Survival After Death”?
May 26: When All Men Again Worship One God, ¶1-24. Page 228.
June 2: When All Men Again Worship One God, ¶25-45. Page 234.