Dangerous Guidance
“It is to be feared that some of the means used by certain people to obtain guidance are foolish or even dangerous,” says Ernest White in Christian Life and the Unconscious. “For example, some years ago a young friend of mine was instructed to take a piece of paper and a pencil at the beginning of each day and then to make his mind a blank and wait until some suggestions came to him for the day’s activities. He was then to write down what came into his mind and take this as his guidance for the day. He soon discovered that all kinds of absurd or even evil thoughts came into his mind, and after a few weeks he saw the folly and danger of this particular method, and gave it up. It is dangerous to abolish all conscious thought in this manner. It involves loss of control of the mind. . . . There are principles of guidance founded on Scripture and on common sense which will help us to avoid the pitfalls of irrational methods.”
“With your counsel you will lead me,” said the inspired psalmist of Jehovah God. For proper guidance we must constantly check our thoughts with the counsel Jehovah gives in the Bible.—Ps. 73:24.