Spiritual Prosperity in Colombia
● The press of the United States, and particularly the Protestant press, has had much to say about the persecution of non-Catholics in the strongly Catholic country of Colombia. However, in spite of how strongly Catholic the people of Colombia may be, there are many of them sincerely hungering for the truth about Jehovah God, his Word and kingdom, as the following figures show:
At the last celebration of the Lord’s supper or evening meal, 7,700 were present in Colombia, or three persons of good will for every Witness. At the weekly Bible study of The Watchtower the attendance is 150 percent of the number of Witnesses in the country, or one person of good will for every two Witnesses, taking for granted that all the Witnesses attend every Watchtower study. As for increase in the number of Witnesses: in 1945 there were two in all Colombia, in 1961 a peak of 2,013. During the past ten years there has been an increase of from 11 to as much as 51 percent in a year. Truly there is spiritual prosperity in Colombia among the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses.