Young and Old Honor Jehovah
● Often refugees from East Germany have to content themselves with a single room of a house, and the children often visit other families. This also was true of a little girl who frequently visited in the room of one of Jehovah’s witnesses. There, however, she noticed something that she had not seen before—thanks being said to Jehovah before each meal. At her own home when father came home he would wish the family “Good appetite!” and then all would start eating. After repeatedly hearing thanks being said, what did this little girl do? One day, just before beginning her meal at home, she bowed her head and prayed aloud: “We thank you, Jehovah, for this food. Amen.” Were the parents surprised! The mother at once asked her little girl how it came about that she knew this simple prayer, and her child told her what she had heard and seen at the home of one of Jehovah’s witnesses. As a result the mother visited the Witness family and inquired about the prayer as well as asking many other Bible questions. This led to a home Bible study with both father and mother and the little girl, and, before long, all three were baptized in symbol of their dedication to do Jehovah’s will.
● Then again, in the Philippines not long ago, a person of good will, wanting to come in line with God’s righteous requirements, presented himself at one of the missionary homes of the Witnesses to be married. His age? He was ninety-seven years old, and his bride eighty-nine years. They had been living together as husband and wife for thirty-seven years, and now, as a result of being taught the truth about marriage, they wanted to live together in a Scripturally honorable state.