Opportunities with the New Bible
One of Jehovah’s witnesses in California, a mother of three small children, writes of her experiences during a month when the Watch Tower Society featured the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: “I have been trying to do incidental witnessing as opportunity affords. And this led to my experience. I had placed one Bible in an hour’s door-to-door service, and after I got home my uncle came in. I placed a copy of the New World Translation with him. Then a man and his wife whom I had called on previously came by and I placed two Bibles with them. Just as they were leaving, the upholstery man came to deliver my set and I placed a Bible with him. And just as I was leaving for the service meeting he called and wanted me to bring him one for his mother-in-law. When I took it to him he wanted a third copy for his Sunday-school teacher. As a result of one day’s work, mostly incidental, I placed seven Bibles.”
In Tennessee one of Jehovah’s witnesses, an invalid, placed thirty-four Bibles in one month. He did it by telephone. He says: “I spend quite a bit of time on the telephone. One person I talked to took two Bibles and gave me two orders. I am thankful that Jehovah makes it possible for me to have part in His service.”
A woman Witness relates this experience: “While riding the bus en route to work I usually read some Watch Tower publication. The New World Translation was my choice one morning. A girl sitting next to me inquired about it, as to what kind of book it was. This led to an explanation which lasted until we got off the bus for work. She examined it and wanted a copy, after knowing that the cost was only $1. Another girl who had heard us discussing the Bible asked: ‘May I get one also?’ I later presented both of them with a Bible. The first girl was so pleased with hers that she began to show it to others at work. At a rest period she met me with a list of seven persons who wanted a copy. One of the persons on the list was a Sunday-school teacher. She said this was just what she had been waiting for, something which she could understand. She asked for two more copies for her friends. It amounted to eleven Bibles at my place of employment.”
With his time in the ministry reduced because of Kingdom Hall construction, one Witness took advantage of his lunch period. “I asked various persons if they had read the New World Translation, since persons of their learning should have one; for 2 Timothy 3:16 says: ‘All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight.’ One man took eight copies, some three and many persons two. By the twenty-third of the month, the result was sixty Bibles.”
One of Jehovah’s witnesses in South Carolina writes: “I followed the suggestions given at the service meeting and kept alert to every opportunity that presented itself. So wherever I went I carried an extra copy of the Bible and always kept one handy by our front door at home. First I tried our oil man and placed the Bible, then I decided to call a different oil man each time. Then I placed a copy with a salesman and also with a saleslady who called on my wife. On Saturday after the magazine work we stop for a cup of coffee, and before the month was out I placed a Bible with three waitresses, a clerk and the cashier. My keeping the Bible out in the open made them curious. The cashier wanted to charge me for the Bible when I laid it down beside the things I was buying, so when I showed it to her she was so interested she took it right then. In the house-to-house ministry, I called at a home where no one was home, but the oil man was making a delivery; so I approached him and placed a Bible, and he wanted to get more later. At the end of the month I ran out of Bibles, but noticed next door at my mother-in-law’s home that the oil man was making a delivery. I knew that she was sick, so I rushed over and asked if I could borrow a couple of her Bibles. I took them and placed them with her oil man and his helper. With Jehovah’s help I was able to place 32 Bibles.”