Sharing the Magazines with Others
A woman witness of Jehovah in the United States, in Arkansas, writes: “I have been working in a territory three years with The Watchtower and Awake! One householder would take magazines irregularly. During the Awake! campaign I gave the sermon and offered the year’s subscription. Both the man of the house and his wife heard the sermon. The man said, ‘We have so much to read already.’ I showed how Awake! was a timesaver in many ways. He subscribed. I delivered the copies of Awake! until the subscription started coming through the mail and also left copies of The Watchtower. During December I placed the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with them. In January I called and gave the lady of the house the sermon, ‘Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?’ She said, ‘You come back.’ I returned in two weeks, and she subscribed for The Watchtower. I have been delivering the latest copy of The Watchtower and at the same time conducting a Bible study in the ‘Good News’ booklet. The man of the house was at home when I called recently. He said, ‘I have had opportunities to get this literature for years, but I have just come to realize how interesting every article is in these publications, and every one is true.’ And he added, ‘I gave some copies to a neighbor last week that likes to read them too.’”
A Witness in Missouri reports: “When I visited my chiropractor I drew his attention to the Awake! and its article ‘The Art and Science of Chiropractic.’ He asked me for a copy and also an extra one. I promised to return with another copy. Shortly afterward, I arrived home and the telephone rang; it was the chiropractor. He was very enthusiastic over the article and wanted to raise his order to twenty copies. When I delivered them, I found out he was going to distribute them to other chiropractors. My doctor then ordered twenty more copies of Awake! A few weeks ago a Witness was approached by a person who asked if this chiropractor was one of Jehovah’s witnesses. The Witness answered no, and wanted to know why this person had asked, since the doctor is a Catholic. She replied, ‘I was in his office and he gave me a copy of Awake!’”
A man who is not one of Jehovah’s witnesses but who is a consultant, public utilities, in Washington, D. C., wrote the Watchtower Society, saying: “I am a subscriber to Awake! and The Watchtower. Some time ago I made an experiment which was so successful I am passing it on to you. After reading these publications I enclose them in the same wrapper and readdress them to some friend [adding the small amount of postage]. In another experiment I furnished one of your representatives a list containing the names of eight friends, to which she mailed a certain issue. Within two weeks I received replies from six of these friends. They are now subscribers to your publications. In the light of the above tests, I think it would be an excellent plan if you would have printed on the front page of each publication, a one-line request that readers pass the publication on to some friend when they finish reading it. This, I am sure, would bring to your Society many thousands of new members each year. Your Society is doing a marvelous job in the general public interest, especially in holding back the tide of moral decadence that is pressuring our people 365 days of each year.”
In a small town in Ohio a young girl regularly took The Watchtower and Awake! to her third-grade teacher. Subsequently a Witness met the teacher in the regular house-to-house work and this teacher wanted a copy of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The teacher commented about the young Witness in her third-grade classroom. The result was that the father of the young girl arranged to call on the teacher, the father and his young daughter making the call together. A home Bible study was started. The young Witness is now taking the magazines regularly to her fourth-grade teacher.