Long in advance, Jehovah God, in his Word the Bible, described the present world situation, pointing out its cause and the cure. It is concerning this God of true prophecy and his purposes that Jehovah’s witnesses speak. During November they will continue to do so, offering to all persons the faith-inspiring new book “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie,” with a booklet, for 50c.
How can you know that God exists? How can you be sure that the Bible is the only truly inspired Sacred Book? What is the true-life story of mankind as revealed by the Bible? The new book “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie,” released this summer at the “Word of Truth” district assemblies of Jehovah’s witnesses, supplies reliable answers to these and many other important questions. This valuable 416-page book of Bible information is now available to you for only 50c. Send for your copy today and receive free the timely booklet World Government on the Shoulder of the Prince of Peace.
November 28: Answering the Roman Governor’s Question, “What Is Truth?” ¶1-27. Page 645
December 5: Answering the Roman Governor’s Question, “What Is Truth?” ¶28 57. Page 652.