Having benefited by faith in God’s provision for the salvation of mankind by means of Christ’s blood, Jehovah’s witnesses have the privilege to advocate this means of salvation. (Heb. 9:14) In fact, they consider it their duty to advocate Christ’s blood for mankind’s salvation to all to whom they have the opportunity to witness, either in their regular field ministry or incidentally at other times. As an aid toward doing this during the month of May, they will offer in their house-to-house ministry the two Bible-study aids “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie” and Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?, both for 75c.
What can be stronger proof of God’s existence than the existence of his creation? “But what proof do we have for ‘creation,’” you might say. Before you dismiss the thought, ask yourself, What proof do I have for any other concept of man’s origin? What concrete reasons do I have for denying the creation account of the Bible? The book Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? will give you a logical and scientific comparison of these two concepts of man’s origin that will astound you. Send today and obtain also the book “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie” and the booklet “This Good News of the Kingdom.” All for only 75c. Send today.
May 26: Understanding Time a Help to True Worshipers. Page 264. Songs to Be Used: 31, 11.
June 2: Making Wise Use of the Remaining Time. Page 270. Songs to Be Used: 55, 66.