If you had 23,800 years to work, 24 hours a day, how much could you get done? Is it difficult to conceive? Well, that’s how many hours Jehovah’s witnesses devoted to the preaching of the good news of God’s kingdom in just the past year! Of course, over 1,150,000 were busy every month to do it. And the work is not done yet, by any means. See what the results of this intensive ministry accomplished last year. Read, too, what can be expected for the near future. Send for the 1969 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Only 50c. Obtain also the 1969 calendar, depicting the deliverance Jehovah provides for those heeding his commands. It is only 25c.
Time really means life. And Christians value their lives. So they want to walk wisely, buying out the time for serving God during these wicked days. (Eph. 5:15, 16) By observing world events they know that the end of this system of things rapidly approaches. Hence now they have an opportunity never to be afforded again. How, then, can one buy out time to do God’s will? By taking advantage of Christian privileges at the expense of other things. Jehovah’s witnesses do that by making time in their busy schedules to direct others to God’s kingdom, that they might walk wisely in these wicked days. During January these Christian witnesses will be offering to interested persons this Bible magazine, which announces Jehovah’s kingdom. A year’s subscription for The Watchtower, along with three Bible booklets, will be offered for $1.
January 19: “You Must Not Forget.” Page 5. Songs to Be Used: 110, 107.
January 26: “Do Not Forget All His Doings.” Page 10. Songs to Be Used: 50, 49.
February 2: Lovers of God’s Name. Page 17. Songs to Be Used: 28, 8.