The Desirability of Government by God
IF YOU could personally select the government under which you would like to live for the rest of your life, what kind would you choose? Democratic? Socialistic? Communistic?
The fact is that different people would choose to live under each of these forms of government. And in each case they would make their choice because they believed that it would be for their own good and for the good of their families.
Undoubtedly you desire to live under the best form of government. But which one is it? With so many kinds of government, how can you know?
There are many factors to be considered. But, to help you to analyze your own thinking on the matter, consider these points:
Pollution is a major problem to governments everywhere, and various means are being used to cope with the situation. But what is really needed? Is the difficulty that there are not enough laws? Are more severe penalties required for violators? Would this solve the problem?
Or do we really need a government headed by someone with such thorough understanding of all that is involved in life on earth that he can guide his subjects in a course that will root out the very causes of pollution? If you believe that the latter solution is the right one, then you would favor government, not by men, but by God.—Jer. 10:10-13, 23.
Much is said about the need for peace. But what kind of peace do you want? Would you say that the best arrangement is to live under a government that is armed to the limit with nuclear weapons, and with the latest radar equipment to detect the approach of enemy rockets? Would peace under these circumstances be most desirable?
Or would you rather live in a world where weapons of war had been converted into tools of peace, and where there were no enemy nations to fear, because there was just one government for all the earth? This latter kind of government is what is described in the Holy Bible as being God’s purpose for man. Furthermore, the Bible indicates that we are living in the generation that will see that change take place—not by governments of men, but by intervention of God.—Mic. 4:2-4; Ps. 46:9.
Racial tensions are also a cause of great concern. But what is the solution? Do you favor repressive police tactics as the means to cope with the situation? Does this get to the root of the problem and solve it?
Or would you rather live under a government that could eliminate racial prejudice by inspiring love in the hearts of its people so that they would show genuine concern for everyone, regardless of race? Do you know any government of men that has really gotten to the root of the situation in that way?—John 13:34, 35; Acts 10:34, 35.
Corruption in government is so commonplace that it is almost taken for granted, but no one likes the idea of having his hard-earned tax money used in that way. Yet is there a government anywhere that is not tainted with corruption?
Well, the Bible says that God’s kingdom is to rule from the heavens, and God has no need of your money or other possessions. In fact, God tells us in his Word: “To me belongs every wild animal of the forest, the beasts upon a thousand mountains. . . . For to me the productive land and its fullness belong.” So, unlike many human rulers, God has no desire to take anything away from you.—Ps. 50:10-12.
Rather, the Bible shows that God cares about you so much that he actually gives to you “life and breath and all things.” (Acts 17:25) Don’t you agree that government administered by him would be the kind that you want?
And then there is the matter of one’s health. Not all governments view this matter in the same way. Some leave all the problems up to you. Others offer free medical treatment until the day you die. But would it appeal much more to you if you could live under a government that would oversee the complete elimination of sickness and death? Of course, that would require far more knowledge and power than are at the disposal of men. It would call for the wisdom and the power of God.—Rev. 21:3, 4.
So, then, when you consider the things that are really important to you and how they can be attained, what kind of government is it that you want—one administered by men, or the government of God that is promised in the Holy Bible?
“But let’s be realistic,” someone may object. “Of course a person would prefer the idealistic government of which you speak. But such a thing is only a dream. It could never be attained.”
Is the idea of living under a government by God really just an unrealistic dream? What is being realistic? And what is just dreaming? Are this earth and man upon it only a dream? Of course not! This is real.
Who, then, put man on this wonderful earth? Someone did. Man did not come to exist without intelligent thought or design; he is not the result of some chance combination of molecules. The marvelous complexities of life make it obvious that a Master Designer must be responsible.—Ps. 100:3; 104:24.
So think about it: Is it really unbelievable that man’s Creator should establish a government to direct earth’s affairs? Is that really any harder to believe than that God created man and other living creatures to populate the earth?
Jesus Christ did not think so. He taught people to look forward to the blessings of God’s government, even teaching them to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matt. 6:9, 10) That kingdom of God is a real government. And such a government by God is only fitting for this earth, which is so wonderfully designed for man’s home.
Consider the grand precision that governs the movements of the sun, moon and stars, making life on earth both possible and pleasant! Why, the earth receives just one two-billionth of the heat and light that the sun emits. Yet it is precisely the right amount—if there were much more, all living things on earth would roast, and if much less, everything would freeze! Consider, too, the breathtaking beauty of a brilliant sunset, or of a green valley decorated with colorful flowers and majestic trees. Would you not say that the disorder and strife so apparent in present earthly governments are completely out of harmony with the orderliness, beauty and peace in creation around us?
Think, too, about the wonderful capacity of humans to receive and express love. The Bible explains that “God is love,” and that he endowed man with this wonderful quality. (1 John 4:8) Would you not say that these marvelous gifts indicate that God really does love us and is interested in providing for our needs?
Well, then, what is one of man’s greatest needs today? Is it not for a government that could successfully solve the gigantic problems that threaten even the very existence of mankind? Is not such a government what you want?
Surely no one can deny that God’s government is the best one for earth. “But why has not God done something about bringing it about?” you may ask.
The fact is that he has. God has been selecting and preparing persons to rule in his heavenly government. Jesus Christ proved his worthiness as king by his faithfulness on earth to God. And since then God has been selecting from among mankind faithful servants to be rulers in heaven with his Son, Jesus.—Luke 22:28, 29; Rev. 20:6.
While some persons may complain that God is slow about destroying evildoers and bringing his government, is their complaint valid? The Bible explains: “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” Do you really wish that God had destroyed all those not doing his will before now? Where would you have been?—2 Pet. 3:9.
Yet God has set a time to destroy evildoers and replace all earthly governments with his government. According to fulfilled Bible prophecy we are now privileged to be living in the generation facing that time. Yes, this Bible prophecy soon will be fulfilled: “The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom . . . will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” Then God’s government will be earth’s only government.—Dan. 2:44.
How desirable that will be! But the question is: Are we desirable from God’s standpoint? Will he want us to be subjects of his government?
God rules by love; that quality characterizes his government, and so to be his subjects we need to exhibit love. We must learn to love righteousness, to love doing what is right. God desires persons who want to please Him and to do good to their fellowman.
Are you cultivating this disposition? Are you making a real effort to know God better by studying his Word? Jehovah’s witnesses will be happy to help you do this. You are cordially invited to their local Kingdom Hall to study God’s Word with them. Do not put off learning God’s will and doing it. Your prospects for life depend on the course you take now.