Their Prayers Were Answered
MANY who are Jehovah’s witnesses today started a new way of life because their prayers, or prayers in their behalf, were answered.
● From the United States comes this experience: “One day in April of 1970, I went to God in prayer, really pouring out my heart to him. I remember saying, ‘Dear God, help me. If my church is right, increase my faith. If it is not, please send me the truth.’
“Two days later my prayer was answered when I found a Watchtower magazine in my door. [The magazine had been left by a Witness because no one had been at home.] I read it and the next day sent away for the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Soon thereafter I began studying the Bible with one of Jehovah’s witnesses.”
Today this woman and her two teen-age daughters are baptized witnesses of Jehovah. They are finding real joy in sharing Bible truth with others.
● In Guadeloupe two fleshly sisters became estranged when one of them became a witness of Jehovah. Each time the Witness tried to explain her Bible-based hope to her sister, her sister became angry. On one occasion she took another Witness along to speak with her sister. She hoped that this Witness might be able to get through to her sister. But, as things turned out, her sister conducted herself in an even worse manner than at other times. It seemed as if the efforts of the Witness to help her sister to gain an accurate knowledge of the Bible were all in vain. Then she decided to have a subscription for the Awake! magazine sent as a gift to her sister. Meanwhile the Witness did not stop praying that members of her family might come to view things differently.
Finally things did change. The Witness relates: “One day, while my husband and I were getting ready to attend our meeting at the Kingdom Hall, there was a knock at the door. Who was there? My fleshly sister! Yes, she wanted to have a Bible study. Imagine our joy! She told me, ‘I’m truly confused by what is taking place in the Catholic church; now I want to know.”’
Since that time the sister began attending the meetings of Jehovah’s witnesses at the Kingdom Hall with her children. Her husband was delighted with the changes she was making by applying the counsel of the Bible in her life.
Other relatives of the Witness, including her mother and a brother, have also begun to study the Bible.
Truly this can be a source of encouragement to heed the inspired admonition of the apostle Paul: “I therefore exhort, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, offerings of thanks, be made concerning all sorts of men . . . This is fine and acceptable in the sight of our Savior, God, whose will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Tim. 2:1-4.