Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you will doubtless recall these points:
● When is singleness by choice truly rewarding?
Singleness is rewarding when the reason for it is a spiritual one, the desire to have more time to devote in serving others and helping them to seize the grand reward of everlasting life.—P. 265.
● At Ezekiel 31:4, what is represented by ‘the waters that make the symbolic cedar in Lebanon grow big’?
In the Scriptures, waters represent ‘peoples, crowds and nations.’ (Rev. 17:1, 15) Hence, the waters stand for the peoples or human resources from which the symbolic cedar draws its support.—Pp. 305, 310.
● Why did the prophet Habakkuk say that he was in line for reproof from Jehovah? (Hab. 2:1)
Habakkuk found it hard to understand how Jehovah God could use the ruthless, idolatrous Chaldeans to execute His judgment against the kingdom of Judah. Since he was questioning the Most High’s use of the Chaldeans, who viewed men as mere fish and creeping things to be captured and subdued, the prophet recognized that he had to be helped to see this matter in the right perspective. He, therefore, waited for a further revelation from Jehovah so as to be set straight.—P. 349.
● How should the fact that God’s eyes always are upon us affect us for good? (Prov. 15:3)
It should move us to conduct ourselves at all times in a way that is pleasing to him, recognizing that we are in his presence.—Pp. 355, 356.
● What warning lessons can we draw from the attitudes and actions of the Pharisees in the first century C.E.?
We must watch that we do not become righteous in our own eyes and fail to show Godlike consideration for human needs and feelings. A person who becomes a stickler for man-made rules may come to overlook the truly important things—justice, faithfulness, mercy and love. Overconfidence in one’s own righteousness can lead to looking down on one’s fellow believers, failing to treat them as beloved brothers and sisters.—Pp. 381, 382.
● In what respects are Bible prophecies different from the predictions made by fortunetellers?
Often the predictions made by fortunetellers are vague, or incorrect, or pertain to matters of little importance. But Bible prophecies have been specific and, as demonstrated by the facts of history, have been fulfilled to the smallest of details. They have dealt with vital matters affecting the future of peoples and entire nations.—Pp. 387, 388.
● As is evident from Lamentations 3:19, 20, what is one way in which Jehovah God demonstrated his great humility?
At Lamentations 3:19, 20, the prophet Jeremiah expresses the confidence that the Most High would eventually remember repentant ones of the nation of Israel that had been laid low in defeat. He would “bow low” or stoop down to give favorable attention to them.—P. 444.