Subject Index for “The Watchtower” 1980
Indicating date of issue in which article appears
Archaeology Confirms the Bible, 10/1
Bible—A Book of Hope, 10/1
Bible Treasure in Leningrad, 9/15
Book of Ecclesiastes, 3/1
Book of Proverbs, 2/15
(Discussions of various Psalms appear in several issues.)
Science Attests Bible’s Accuracy, 10/1
Should You Believe the Bible? 10/1
Sure Help from God’s Word, 2/15
Sustaining Power of God’s Word, 8/1
Avoiding the Tragedy of Rape, 10/15
By What System Is Your Family Governed? 11/15
Content with What You Have? 3/1
Control Your Spirit—How? 12/15
Could You Be Your Own Enemy? 2/15
Do Not Isolate Yourself, 11/15
Find Entertaining What God Hates? 8/1
Generosity Brings Blessings, 11/15
Have You Tried to Make Amends? 7/1
Impatience Could Cost You Your Life, 3/1
Imputing Wrong Motives, 4/1
Isolation Can Be Hazardous, 11/15
Is Your Giving Good? 8/1
“Let Your Light Shine,” 6/1
Life’s Anxieties, 7/15
Look Straight Ahead, 6/1
‘Nations Sacrifice to Demons,’ 4/1
Power of Christ’s Generosity, 5/1
Removing the Stain of Sin, 11/1
Respect Jehovah’s Arrangement, 11/1
Rewards of Training Children, 12/15
Saving Face, 9/15
Show Love in a Finer Way? 6/1
Sin—Does It Matter Anymore? 11/1
They Need Their Friends, 1/1
True “All Have Sinned”? 11/1
“Two Are Better than One,” 3/15
Walking in the Steps of the Master, 1/15
What Gives Them Courage? 8/15
What Gives True Peace of Mind? 11/1
What It Takes to Keep Separate from the World, 6/15
When Not to Be Kind to Yourself, 5/15
Why “Be in Subjection”? 5/15
Why Do What Is Right? 5/1
Why Keep Separate from the World? 6/15
You Can Control Your Temper, 6/15
You “Give Away a Fault”? 3/15
(Bible-based stories appearing in many issues.)
(This section appears in each issue.)
Divine Name in Later Times, 2/1
Does God Have a Name? 2/1
God’s Name in Early History, 2/1
Power Behind the Universe, 2/1
What Does the Proverb Mean? 4/1
Your Attitude Toward God’s Name? 2/1
Bible Education in San Marino, 11/1
Challenge in Colombia, 6/1
Cuban Christians Endure, 10/15
“Divine Love” District Convention, 2/1, 5/15, 12/1
“Glad Tidings” Bring Joy to Central America, 8/1
“Good News” Comes to Virgin Islands, 5/1
Graduates with a Vital Commission, 6/1
It Revived Our Family Spiritually, 9/1
Jehovah—A Secure Height, 9/1
Missionaries Told: “Glorify Your Ministry!” 11/15
Name of Jehovah a Protection, 6/1
‘No Weapon Formed Against You Will Succeed,’ 7/15
Rejoicing in the Philippines, 7/1
Report from Dominican Republic, 9/1
Rwanda, 4/1
“Word of God Is Not Bound,” 7/15
Follow the Great Exemplar, 9/1
He “Loved Them to the End,” 3/1
Faith in God Sustained Me, 4/15
Five Decades of Integrity-keeping, 12/15
Fulfilling My Purpose to Raise a Christian Family, 5/15
Happy to Serve the God Who Remembers, 9/15
I Survived the “Death March,” 8/15
Jehovah Answered Our Prayers, 1/15
Maintaining Faith Along with My Husband, 4/15
Rewards of Serving One Master, 3/15
Search for Freedom Rewarded, 7/15
Soldier Who Became a Preacher, 10/15
“Stick to the Work,” 6/15
Advancing After Obtaining “a Faith,” 5/1
After Destruction of Organized Religion, Which Way? 3/1
After These “Last Days” God’s Messianic Kingdom! 10/1
Are We Nearing Armageddon? 10/15
Are You a Loyal Proclaimer of God’s Kingship? 12/15
Are You a Loyal Subject of God’s Government? 1/15
Baptism—An Expression of Faith, 5/1
Calamity Facing All Religionists of the World, 5/15
Can You Help Widows and Fatherless Children “in Their Tribulation”? 9/15
Choosing the Best Way of Life, 3/15
Confident in a World Beset by Doubts, 8/1
Creation’s Hope—Awaiting Its Realization, 4/1
“Do Not Be Anxious over Anything,” 11/1
Execution of the “Great Harlot” Nears, 10/15
Festival Illumination, 2/15
Festival to Be Celebrated by Billions, 2/15
“Fine Shepherd” and His “Other Sheep,” 7/15
“Fine Shepherd” and the “Little Flock,” 7/15
Flee to God’s Kingdom! 12/1
“Get Out of Her, My People,” 5/15
God’s Government—Mankind’s Only Hope, 1/15
“Great Crowd” Renders Sacred Service Where? 8/15
Harvesting Fruit Suitable for God’s Kingdom, 6/15
How Shall We Escape? 12/1
Humanity’s State of Health That Might Have Been, 11/15
“In the Last Days” Since When? 10/1
“Jehovah of Armies” to the Rescue! 11/15
Joyful Festivals, 2/15
Living Up to Our Choice, 3/15
‘Love As Strong As Death,’ 4/15
Love—The “Surpassing Way,” 4/15
Modern-Day Bible Burning Fails of Its Purpose, 2/1
Overseers—Be Fine Examples to “the Flock,” 9/1
“Peace of God That Excels All Thought,” 11/1
Praying to Jehovah so as to Be Heard, 6/1
Rejoicing in “the God Who Gives Hope,” 1/1
Remain “Solid in the Faith,” 8/1
Right Route Needs to Be Selected Now, 3/1
Road to Recuperation Opened by God, 11/15
Sacred Service in This “Time of the End,” 8/15
Serve the “King of the Nations” and Survive, 2/1
Showing Concern for the “Flock of God,” 9/1
Single Parents Coping in Today’s World, 9/15
Sowing with God’s Kingdom in View, 6/15
Spurred On by Our “Living Hope,” 1/1
‘Use Every Form of Prayer and Supplication,’ 6/1
Watchman Said: “She Has Fallen!” 7/1
“Watchman, What of the Night?” 7/1
Who Will Praise the King? 12/15
Why Our Good Hopes Are Certain of Realization, 4/1
‘Altar to an Unknown God,’ 2/15
Asa, 12/1
Can Human Government Meet Challenge? 1/15
Challenge to Government, 1/15
Cherubs in Israel’s Worship, 11/1
Church Practice What Pope Preached? 1/1
Coming—A World Without Pain, 4/15
Do You Honor the Dead? 3/15
Experiment That Failed, 5/1
First Woman to Be Deceived, 6/1
John Wycliffe, 7/1
Keep Watching! 7/1
King Who Forgot Gratitude, 3/1
Lollards, Bible Preachers, 8/1
Miriam, 1/1
Pope at the U.N., 1/1
Promise of a Bright Future, 4/1
Promise of Paradise, 10/15
Pursuit of Security, 9/1
Rebekah—Blessed by Jehovah, 8/15
Security Now and Forever, 9/1
Warnings That Should Be Heeded, 12/1
Who Needs Pain? 4/15
Ages given in Genesis chapter 5, 10/1
Anglo-American World Power the last, 11/15
Birthday celebrations, 7/15
Bruising of the serpent’s head, 12/15
Christ ‘hands over kingdom to God’ (1 Cor. 15:24), 12/1
Dating when not free to remarry, 8/1
David’s serious mistakes, 6/15
Deborah a judge? 11/1
Distinction between God’s and Christ’s kingdoms? 12/1
Divorced before becoming a Christian—free to remarry? 1/15
“Do not search for Bethel,” 2/15
“Four horsemen of the Apocalypse”? 1/1
Gambling with small money stakes, 9/1
“Generation” of Matthew 24:34, 10/15
‘Head of serpent bruised’—when? (Gen. 3:15), 12/15
“His own virginity” (1 Cor. 7:36-38), 4/15
Human organ transplants, 3/15
Jesus return in the flesh? (2 John 7), 1/15
“Meaning of the loaves” (Mark 6:52), 6/1
Missing meetings an unforgivable sin? 11/1
“Mouth of wicked” (Prov. 10:6), 8/1
“New covenant” near end of operation? 7/1
Overseer “a husband of one wife,” 9/15
Revealing of the sons of God, when? (Rom. 8:19), 11/15
“Reward” of 1 Corinthians 9:17, 1/1
Sects among Corinthians (1 Cor. 11:18, 19)? 6/1
Secular work sacred service? 8/15
U.N. eighth World Power? 11/15
Who “made his soul spacious”? 6/15