Peace and Security—Through God’s Kingdom
“THE Purposes of the United Nations are: 1. To maintain international peace and security.”—Charter of the United Nations.
This is a commendable ideal, to say the least. But as we have noted, the results of the last 40 years make it evident that the United Nations has not succeeded in ‘maintaining international peace and security.’ Nor will its declaring 1986 the “International Year of Peace” make any difference.a
There is only one way that lasting peace and security will be brought to this earth—through God’s Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. This is the real government in heaven for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. (Matthew 6:9, 10) But why will it succeed when the United Nations has failed? Put simply: God’s Kingdom will succeed for the very reasons that the United Nations has not succeeded.
More Than Human Wisdom Needed
In our previous issue, we noted that one reason why the United Nations was doomed to failure is that God did not give man the wisdom or right to govern himself. (Jeremiah 10:23) Thus, no man-made organization, however well intentioned, can succeed in bringing peace and security.
In contrast, Jesus Christ, the appointed King of God’s Kingdom, has always demonstrated superhuman wisdom. (Matthew 13:54) A prime example is his famous Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew, chapters 5 to 7) In it he explained how to find true happiness, settle quarrels, avoid sexual immorality, and have a secure future. Is it not reasonable that a ruler with such wisdom and understanding of human nature would know how to bring about peace and security?
More than that, Jesus’ keen discernment was enhanced by his miraculous ability to see into men’s hearts and to know their real motivation and inner reasonings. (Matthew 9:4; Mark 2:8) Consider what that means: One big obstacle to peace and security today is distrust. Not knowing the thinking and motivation of one another, men and nations often become distrustful. That distrust stands as a barrier to peace. But for the ruler who can “read men’s hearts,” that poses no problem at all.—John 2:25, Knox.
Removing the Superhuman Foes
Another major reason why the United Nations’ efforts to bring peace were doomed was the influence of “the ruler of this world,” Satan the Devil. (John 12:31) He and his demonic hordes know that they have only “a short period of time” before they are to be removed. Determined to cause “woe for the earth,” they have stood in the way of peace by dividing mankind politically and nationally.—Revelation 12:9-12.
Who could remove such superhuman instigators of war? The Bible answers, Jesus Christ, the one referred to as Michael, who, with his angels, ousted Satan and his demons from the heavens. Thus we read: “I saw an angel [Jesus] coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and . . . he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him.” (Revelation 20:1-3) So Satan will be taken out of the way. Only then will it be possible to enjoy life in true peace and security.
A “Child” of God
Our previous issue noted a third reason why the United Nations could never bring peace and security: It is a child of this world and, as such, it inherits the weaknesses, evils, and corruption that characterize its member nations.
In refreshing contrast, the Kingdom that will bring peace and security is pictured in Revelation 12:5 as a “child” of God. Its ruler mirrors God’s characteristics. Notice some of the endearing qualities manifested by its ruler, Jesus Christ: self-sacrificing love (John 15:12, 13); warmth and feeling (Matthew 9:10-13; Luke 7:36-48); humility (John 13:3-5, 12-17); compassion (Mark 6:30-34); sympathy (Hebrews 2:17, 18; 4:15); firmness for righteousness (Isaiah 11:4, 5). Would you not delight to submit yourself to such a Ruler?
In With the “New Earth”
A final reason why the United Nations could never succeed in bringing peace was indicated by the words of former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld who, back in 1953, said: “Our greatest hope is that we may be permitted to save the old earth.” If he had in mind preserving this worldwide system of things, then such efforts to save the “old earth” are doomed to failure. Why?
For one thing, this “old earth” is composed of man-made governments. Individual governments promote nationalism, which divides man; nationalism stresses the interests of one nation rather than seeking the overall welfare of all nations. This self-interest undermines any efforts of the United Nations to bring about peace. As an editorial in the British newspaper The Guardian noted: “Since none of the member nations is ready to sacrifice its own interests for the collective good, the prospects for reform are slim. The [United Nations General] Assembly’s only real function is to serve as a kind of barometer of global opinion. Its agenda is full of issues that have been debated for years with little if any progress towards solution.”
But there is a more compelling reason why the United Nations’ efforts to save the “old earth” are futile: It is against God’s purposes. How so? In God’s eyes the “old earth” cannot be reformed. The time is nearing when God’s stated purpose will be fulfilled. As the apostle John described it: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away.” (Revelation 21:1) In removing man-made governments, God’s Kingdom will do away with divisive nationalism. In its place “a new earth,” a righteously disposed human society, will thrive under a single heavenly government, God’s Kingdom. Then, and only then, will mankind be able to enjoy genuine peace and security worldwide.
‘Beating Swords Into Plowshares’
That this is a realistic hope is assured by the words of a Bible prophecy inscribed on a wall that is facing the United Nations. There it states: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares. And their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more.”—Quoted from Isaiah 2:4.
No, the United Nations has not succeeded in preventing the nations from ‘lifting up sword’ against one another. Nevertheless, there is a people who give living evidence that they have ‘beaten their swords into plowshares.’ They have demonstrated a unity that rises above racial and national barriers. No amount of pressure can force these Christian neutrals to “lift up sword” against their fellowman. Who are they? Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Typical of their response when pressured to take part in the wars of the nations is what happened to one Witness in an African country that is rife with political terrorism.
To get recruits for their guerrilla army, a terrorist group in this country kidnaps men and then gives them a choice: Serve in the terrorist army or be shot. One day they kidnapped one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The leaders, who had been drinking, gave him the choice. Putting before him two beer bottles, they pointed to one and said that it represented the government, the other their terrorist group. ‘Which one are you for?’ they asked him. The Witness thought for a moment, and observing other beer bottles nearby, he picked one up and set it right between the two, stating: ‘This is where I am.’ He added: ‘I am neutral, since I am for God’s Kingdom.’ After this, he was beaten several times. Then he was forced to do slave labor in the guerrilla camp, never knowing whether they would shoot him or not. After eight months, he escaped when government forces attacked the camp.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have risked imprisonment, even death, rather than take part in the wars of the nations. Thus, in Nazi Germany thousands of them were put into concentration camps because they would not support the Nazi reign of terror. Hundreds of Witnesses were executed or died in the camps. Yet now, with the vicious Nazi government long since gone, Jehovah’s Witnesses abound in Germany and around the globe.
But why are they able to ‘beat swords into plowshares’? A clue can be found in the preamble to the UNESCO Charter, which says: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”
In line with that, regarding those who ‘beat swords into plowshares,’ Isaiah’s prophecy says, “neither will they learn war anymore.” Rather, by the study and application of the Scriptures, they ‘learn God’s ways and walk in his paths.’ (Isaiah 2:3, 4) With the help of his holy spirit, they ‘make their minds over,’ becoming peaceable.—Romans 12:2, 18.
The clear evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses have ‘beaten swords into plowshares’ proves that living in peace and security is possible. Their present way of life demonstrates on a small scale what God’s Kingdom through Christ will accomplish earth wide in the near future.
Does such a prospect appeal to you? Jehovah’s Witnesses will gladly share with you the evidence that God’s Kingdom will soon bring lasting peace and security. Why not get in touch with them locally or write to the publishers of this magazine? Learn more about how you can ‘beat swords into plowshares’ now, with the prospect of soon enjoying life in an entire world without war.
a For a fuller discussion of why the United Nations has not succeeded, please see The Watchtower of October 1, 1985.
[Box on page 5]
Why the United Nations Has Failed:
◻ Human wisdom too limited (Jeremiah 10:23)
◻ Satan’s influence dooms its efforts (Revelation 12:12)
◻ It is a child of this world and inherits its weaknesses (1 John 5:19)
◻ It is trying to save the “old earth,” which is against God’s purposes (1 John 2:17)
Why God’s Kingdom Will Succeed:
◻ Its ruler has superhuman wisdom and can read men’s hearts (John 2:25)
◻ It will remove the demonic instigators of war (Revelation 20:1-3)
◻ It is a “child” of God, and its ruler mirrors God’s qualities (Revelation 12:5)
◻ It will establish a righteous “new earth” under a single heavenly government (Revelation 21:1)
[Picture on page 7]
God’s Kingdom will establish “a new earth,” a righteous human society, which will thrive under a single heavenly government