Kingdom Proclaimers Report
Bible Truth Triumphs Over Tradition
RELIGIOUS tradition can be very deeply rooted. Millions feel that it is wrong to change one’s religion. Saul, who became the apostle Paul, evidently felt the same way, since he said: “I was far more zealous for the traditions of my fathers [than many of my own age]. ” But upon being shown the truth, he changed from Judaism and became a Christian. (Galatians 1:13-16) Many today have come to realize that Bible truth comes from a source higher than tradition. Note how Bible truth triumphed in Italy.
One woman explains: “My sister and I grew up in a large family with long-standing Catholic traditions, and we were very devout Catholics. As time went on, I married. Then I lost my husband, and I lived as a widow for many years alone with my children. My niece taught catechism, and she kept asking the priest Bible questions, but she received no satisfying answers.
“While visiting my hometown, I had my first contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses and accepted a Bible study. All my former Catholic companions ridiculed me for studying the Bible. I was not discouraged, however. For the first time, I owned a Bible, and no one was going to take it away from me. My sister also took her stand for Jehovah, and in less than two years, both of us were baptized.
“I cried when I first broke away from the church because I feared to abandon traditions rooted in me for 76 years. But now I am happy to walk in Jehovah’s ways and do my best to help others get out of spiritual darkness!”—Compare 1 Peter 2:9.
Barber Corrects Wrong Thinking
A barber in Japan was fond of talking about demons and UFO’s while cutting customers’ hair. However, after he started to study the Bible, he realized how dangerous this practice was. So he instead invited his customers to join him in his Bible study. He witnessed to young customers about creation. Every week he ordered Bibles and copies of the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth from the Witness who was studying with him so that he could place them with his customers.
Although not yet a Witness, he placed over 30 sets of Bibles and Live Forever books during his first year of studying. More than 25 people started studying the Bible as the result of his informal witnessing. Sometimes as many as ten would participate in his group Bible study. Now seven of those to whom he witnessed when trimming their hair have had their wrong thinking corrected and are baptized Witnesses of Jehovah!