Giving That Is Precious in Jehovah’s Eyes
The following letter was received by the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Mozambique:
“I am a seven-year-old boy. I still go to primary school. I am sending this money I earned from raising a chick. I sold him for 12,000 Meticais [$1, U.S.]. I thank Jehovah for making the first chick I ever raised grow into a rooster. I would like my gift to be used for the work of Jehovah’s Kingdom.
“PS: My father helped me write this letter.”
Some people associate generosity with those who have a surplus of material things. However, when we read the Bible’s account concerning the widow who dropped into the treasury chest “two small coins of very little value,” we can appreciate that generosity is measured, not by quantity, but by the proper inclination of the heart.—Luke 21:1-4.
Jehovah appreciates every gift, no matter how small, that stems from a heart motivated by love. And he richly blesses those who imitate his generosity by giving of their time, energy, or material resources in behalf of his Kingdom.—Matthew 6:33; Hebrews 6:10.