Success—How Do You Measure It?
VIEWED by some as the most successful Wall Street stock trader of all time, Jesse Livermore was known for making wise business decisions. As a result, he accumulated great wealth. He wore the finest hand-tailored suits, lived in a 29-room mansion, and rode in a chauffeur-driven black Rolls-Royce.
Davida was following a similar path. As vice president and general manager of a major graphics firm, he was in line to become a divisional president of the company. Wealth and prestige beckoned. However, David made a personal decision that led to his resignation. “I know that I will never have a big executive career again,” said David. Do you think David made a mistake?
Many believe that success involves the attainment of wealth, favor, or prominence. However, those enjoying material prosperity may still experience inner emptiness and a lack of meaning and purpose in life. That was evidently the situation of Mr. Livermore. Despite his wealth, he lived a life filled with heartbreak, tragedy, and sorrow. He experienced depression, failed marriages, and distant relationships with his sons. Finally, after losing much of his fortune, one day Mr. Livermore sat in the bar of a plush hotel and lamented his losses. He ordered a drink, pulled out his leather-bound notebook, and wrote a farewell note to his wife. Finishing the drink, he stepped into a dimly lit cloakroom and tragically took his own life.
While the causes of suicide are admittedly complex, this experience gives evidence of the truth of the Bible’s statement: “Those who are determined to be rich . . . have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.”—1 Timothy 6:9, 10.
Could it be that those who gauge success by wealth, position, or prominence are using a faulty standard? Do you consider yourself to be successful? Why? What standard are you using to make this determination? What shapes your view of success? The following article examines time-tested counsel that has enabled millions to achieve success. Let us see how you too can be successful.
a The name has been changed.