Do You Remember?
Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? See if you can answer the following questions:
• Some Christians have faced what serious challenge after getting married, and what should they strive to do?
Some Christians may realize that they have little in common with their mate. Knowing that an unscriptural divorce is not an acceptable solution, they need to work hard to preserve the marriage.—4/15, page 17.
• A Christian in a nursing home may face what challenges?
He may be unfamiliar with the congregation in whose territory the home is located. Most in the home may have different beliefs and may try to involve him in religious activities. Christian relatives and members of the local congregation should be aware of these problems and offer support and care.—4/15, pages 25-27.
• What are four steps that can help marriage mates solve problems?
Set a time to discuss the issues. (Eccl. 3:1, 7) Express your opinion honestly and respectfully. (Eph. 4:25) Listen to and acknowledge your mate’s feelings. (Matt. 7:12) Agree on a solution, and work together at it. (Eccl. 4:9, 10)—5/1, pages 10-12.
• When Jesus urged us to pray for forgiveness for our debts, what debts were meant?
Comparing Matthew 6:12 with Luke 11:4 makes it clear that Jesus did not mean financial debts. He had in mind sins. We need to imitate God by being willing to forgive.—5/15, page 9.
• The members of the Governing Body serve on what committees?
Coordinators’ Committee; Personnel Committee; Publishing Committee; Service Committee; Teaching Committee; Writing Committee.—5/15, page 29.
• How can we be sure that the Noachian Flood was global?
Jesus believed that the Flood took place and was global. Biblical warnings are based on the reality of a global Flood.—6/1, page 8.
• Did the conduct described at Romans 1:24-32 relate to the Jews or to the Gentiles?
The description could fit either, but the apostle Paul was specifically referring to the Israelites of old who for centuries failed to follow the Law. They knew God’s righteous decrees, yet they did not live in accord with them.—6/15, page 29.
• Where is Tel Arad, and why is it significant?
This mound in Israel marking the ancient city of Arad is west of the Dead Sea. At this mound, excavators have found a collection of pottery used as writing tablets. Some bear names found in the Bible, and they show that God’s personal name was used in secular documents.—7/1, pages 23-24.
• Why can cultivating reasonable expectations increase our joy?
If we strive to attain unreasonable goals regardless of the cost, we subject ourselves to undue tension. Still, we should not be too lenient, using our perceived limitations as an excuse for slowing down in the ministry.—7/15, page 29.
• What may hinder parents’ communicating with adolescents?
Roadblocks may be a youth’s timidity, his quest for independence, and his sense of privacy. Parents may try to encourage communication in informal settings and strive to discern the message behind the words of the youth.—8/1, pages 10-11.