“Babylon” Book to Be Studied Next
1 How fine it has been to study in detail the book of Revelation with the assistance of the “Mystery” book! Soon we will be coming to the end of the book and the question has been asked, What will we study next at the congregation book studies? Taking up Part Two of the “Babylon” book another time seemed almost obvious, since this would allow us in our detailed study to go on from chapter 13 of Revelation, the last chapter discussed in the “Mystery” book, right through to chapter 22 of Revelation. Thus the Society is arranging for all congregation book studies to study the “Babylon” book, starting with chapter 19 on page 401, when they finish their study of the “Mystery” book. This will give us a complete study of Revelation without interruption.
2 During the past service year attendance at the congregation book studies increased from 90.7 percent to 94.2 percent of the total publishers, and this indicates a fine appreciation for the special studies in Jehovah’s Word with the use of the “Mystery” book. Are you personally getting the full benefits of this meeting? Are you attending regularly and preparing your lesson in advance in order to enrich your own understanding as well as that of others? For one to be at this study regularly, of course, there must be a craving for the “meat” of the Word. It takes a little more effort to chew and digest this faith-building food for the mind and heart, but how strengthening it is when we assimilate the good things that Jehovah knows we need.
3 Circuit servants have been helping the book study servants to be better teachers at the book studies by having a special meeting with them during their visits. The book study servants have appreciated this training to help them make the studies even more interesting, instructive and lively.