Starting in September
1 There will be a change in the circuit servant’s routine, designed to help each book study servant give even better care to his group. As you know, the circuit servant has been visiting a book study group on Thursday night and sitting in as an observer. After attending the study he offers private counsel and suggestions to the book study servant. He will continue to do this.
2 What, then, is the change? Starting on September 1, and continuing through the 1971 service year he will, on Friday nights after the committee meeting, meet with all the book study servants. On his first visit he will discuss and demonstrate how one can be a better teacher at the book study, using material from The Watchtower, the “Lamp” book and Kingdom Ministry articles as source material. What he has learned in attending the Thursday-night book study and the suggestions he has offered he can pass on to the other book study servants.
3 On his second visit he will use the Friday-evening time to review the duties of the book study servant as set forth in the “Lamp” book and he will answer questions and make suggestions on how book study servants can organize the activities of the group and take the lead in field service. It would be beneficial for all book study servants to make themselves available at least once during the year to work in the field service with the circuit servant.
4 On the third visit he will meet with the book study servants on Friday night to offer suggestions and demonstrate how the book study servants can spiritually assist ones with their group, encouraging them to attend meetings, assisting them to share in the field service, aiding various ones to build up low features of their ministry. He can stress whatever he feels is most needed locally. The committee will sit in at each of the three meetings with the book study servants so that they can also learn and help the book study servants to carry out the suggestions offered by the circuit servant. The Friday-night meeting with the book study servants should usually start no later than eight o’clock.
5 During the 1971 service year the circuit servant will not conduct any of the congregation meetings as he has been doing during the past service year.
6 The effect of these meetings held with the book study servants should be most wholesome for the entire congregation as the book study servants apply the information they have learned.