◆ Literature offer for June: New World Translation and Great Teacher book, $1.25. Other Bible translations printed by the Society as well as the Aid book and “Make Sure” may be offered to interested persons. July: Truth book, 25c. (Great Teacher or Evolution book can be offered where people have Truth book.) August: Great Teacher book. 25c. September: Evolution book, 25c.
◆ Is it possible that you could temporary pioneer sometime this summer? If so, discuss the matter with your presiding overseer.
◆ Have you sent in your personal subscriptions for The Watchtower and Awake! yet? If not, we invite you to do so during June.
◆ New publications available:
Is the Bible Really the Word of God?—Vietnamese
◆ Again available in U.S.A.:
From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained—Arabic, Italian
◆ Out of stock in U.S.A.:
What Has Religion Done for Mankind?—English
“Your Will Be Done on Earth”—English
Cruden’s Concordance—English
◆ The folders What Do You Really Know About God? and Would You Like to Understand the Bible? are both out of stock.
◆ We now have The New American Bible in stock. It is a modern-English Catholic Bible published in 1970; 1468 pages, size 9 1⁄2ʺ x 6 3⁄4ʺ x 1 3⁄4ʺ. Publisher rate is $6.95, and pioneer rate is $.35. We no longer will be filling orders for the Catholic Douay Version.