Presenting the Good News—With the Right Approach
1 Personal motivation and an effective approach are important aspects of a house-to-house presentation. It is important to keep clearly in mind our desire to share in the vindication of Jehovah’s name, also our deep concern for our fellowmen. It is also good to analyze our approach from time to time and determine whether we impart the kind of information that will capture and hold the householder’s interest from the beginning of our presentation.
2 We might ask ourselves, “If I do not gain a hearing ear, is it because of the householder or because of my approach?” In some territories, when an introduction is too general, the householder may quickly excuse himself without ever really hearing the Kingdom message. What can we do?
3 No doubt we could profitably put forth greater effort to get into the subject of our presentation early in the introduction. For example, after briefly introducing ourselves, we might mention some local or world problem and ask if they know a remedy. Or, if you feel that your territory requires an even more direct approach, you might begin by asking, “What can we do to upgrade the quality of life today?” Then when you have their attention and interest, use the Bible to show how the Kingdom will solve man’s problems. No matter what the subject of our presentation, it is beneficial to have an introduction that quickly gets into the subject and arouses interest in it.
4 The same principle applies when engaging in magazine work. It is usually more effective to feature a specific article rather than just holding The Watchtower and Awake! up to the householder’s view and offering them for ten cents. Apart from special issues, the covers on the magazines reflect little change—but their contents do, every issue. So if we draw attention to a title and say something about the article that will quickly show its value, the householder may take them even if he has refused them before. If he is interested in an article he will not only accept the magazine, but read it.
5 When engaging in the field ministry, keep in mind that the message is the important thing. If we can get into our subject rather quickly, then people will have an opportunity to accept or reject the Kingdom message, rather than turning us away without really knowing why we are there.