Theocratic News
◆ A pioneer brother placed 60 magazines and 10 books in two hours working business territory in New York city. One receptionist in a large office exclaimed: “You people are really working the whole earth.”
◆ In an African land where the work is banned, some congregations of about 140 publishers report a total attendance of 800 at their “Watchtower” studies. In the field, publishers averaged 17.3 hours and country made a 70-percent increase in publishers over one year ago.
◆ The Watch Tower Society has gained official recognition in Vietnam. New branch office to begin operating there September 1.
◆Many of the displaced brothers in Nicaragua have now been able to relocate and resume their theocratic activity.
◆ Toward the end of April the work of Jehovah’s witnesses was banned in Kenya.
◆ Dowling Congregation in Houston, Texas, suggested that one out of each family there try to temporary pioneer in April; 31 responded, and, with 4 regular pioneers, they had 35 pioneers out of 75 publishers!