Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
All of us very much enjoy offering the Truth book in the field, and that will be our privilege once again in the month of May. We thought you would enjoy hearing of some of the things that have happened in connection with this remarkable publication.
Since the Truth book was released in the summer of 1968, how many copies have been printed? Eighty million in 92 languages! No other book explaining the Bible even approaches the circulation of the Truth book; in fact, it is mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Has it helped people to learn the truth? In 1968 the average number of publishers was 323,688 here in the United States; thus far this service year our peak is 577,362. Doubtless the vast majority of the 253,674 who have taken up the service of Jehovah since 1968 were assisted by a study of the Bible with the aid of the Truth book, and that is remarkable indeed.
The message presented so directly in the Truth book has in many cases had a powerful, life-transforming impact, as illustrated by the experience of one 16-year-old boy who received a copy late in 1971. At the time he was despondent, almost uncertain as to whether he desired to continue living, because of serious family problems and a selfish world that he could not understand and in which he found no place. In his reading of the book, the last paragraph caught his attention. “It made my heart leap; never had I heard of anything so wonderful.” Despite the opposition of all of his family he made progress to dedication and baptism in just a short time. After graduation he began pioneering and has served for the past year now as a member of the Bethel family. Yes, this small book has given hundreds of thousands of persons hope and purpose, for it contains the truth that leads to eternal life.
Your hard work in field service, distributing literature and conducting studies, shows that you want to help people. It keeps us busy. We expect that you will place many thousands of books during May as you continue aiding people in great spiritual need. We wish you to know that we are ready to fill your orders and we are grateful for the privilege we have of helping in this way. May Jehovah bless our united efforts to his honor and the salvation of many more who may yet get to know and serve him.
Your brothers,