We Want to Help People
1 Jehovah God has demonstrated unmistakably his desire to help people, for he gave the dearest treasure of his heart, his only-begotten Son, in behalf of mankind. (John 3:16) During Jesus’ earthly ministry, which included his sacrificial death, he exhibited the same heartfelt desire to help people. (Matt. 8:3; 20:28) We want to imitate their example by helping people, and especially is it urgent because we are deep into the time of the end. It is not sufficient to supply people with Bible literature; they really need personal help to know and understand God’s purposes, and we can give that help through a home Bible study.—John 17:3.
2 How much time should we be spending in field service helping people? Since our circumstances vary greatly, the congregation does not set field service quotas or goals. Individually, though, we may find it beneficial to set goals for ourselves that take our circumstances into account. Jehovah, of course, requires that we render whole-souled service. (Matt. 22:37) Some may find that they can devote only a few hours a week, while others may be able to devote time several days each week in spreading the good news. Your circumstances may allow you to reach out and be a temporary pioneer or enter regular pioneer service. So we see, then, some are capable of much more than others because of better physical health and stamina, and greater freedom in life.—Mark 4:20.
3 Some of us may feel that preaching from door to door and conducting studies with people in their homes is something toward which we are not naturally inclined. Love for Jehovah and for people, however, enables us to overcome this feeling and to find joy in field service. And when we realize that we are helping people who are living in the shadow of death, we soon forget our concern over self. (Matt. 16:24; 11:28-30) Jehovah richly rewards those who give of themselves unselfishly.—Mal. 3:10.
4 During the first ten days of May we will be distributing the Kingdom News. Why? Because we want to help people. Former campaigns of tract distribution have been very successful in doing that. So we will make a united effort to distribute our congregation’s entire allotment by May 10. It may be that as we place tracts we will find an interested person. Remembering that our desire is to help people, let’s take advantage of that opportunity to answer questions, even starting a study then and there if advisable.
5 The desire to reach and help people has moved some publishers to adjust their schedule for field service. In certain areas they have reported that Saturday has proven to be a very fine time to make the regular offer and start Bible studies, instead of just offering magazines.
6 People can be helped by our direct use of the Bible. Why? It gives the public a more accurate impression of our work. One brother wrote the Society, stating: “After encouragement was given to use the Bible more, I found it very easy to work with the Bible in hand and, after a greeting and introduction about local problems, open the Bible to a text and discuss it with the householder. How surprised I was when nearly every person I spoke to paid attention, some even taking literature! Previously I had had little response in that territory; it was the open Bible that seemed to open their hearts to the message of truth.”
7 In addition to the field service, we all have other contacts with people. By tact and friendly interest in people, we can take advantage of these opportunities to help people appreciate God’s Word of truth and its message of salvation. Our fine course of Christian conduct every day also helps people, for it recommends to them the truth by which we live. By sharing in tract distribution, offering the Truth book and starting Bible studies where possible during the month of May, we draw attention to the wonderful love that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ have for mankind and fulfill our sincere desire to help people.—2 Cor. 5:20.