Are You Willing to Serve?
1 An extraordinary opportunity has been extended to us. It is the privilege of being Jehovah’s Witnesses. Just think what that means. We have been entrusted with God’s word, his message, for humankind. That message clearly points to the only government that can solve the problems of all mankind—God’s kingdom. And it shows how people of all kinds can gain eternal life as its subjects. What work could possibly be more important than publicly sharing this good news from God? And what could be more lastingly beneficial? There is no other!
2 Do we individually appreciate that privilege? Does the way in which we are using our lives show that we do?
3 Jehovah is looking for willing servants, for those motivated by appreciative hearts. (Ps. 110:3) The loving provisions that He has made for us stir us to action. (1 John 4:8-10) Yes, these provisions make us want to share in the vital work of preaching and teaching the good news of God’s kingdom. Jesus Christ said that this work is to continue until “the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) Though obviously close, the end of the old system has not yet arrived. Are we personally giving this work the emphasis that it deserves?
4 When a person offers himself in Jehovah’s service, no one sets for him a quota of hours that he is supposed to spend in sharing the good news with others. But we need to be careful not to miss the point. Jesus clearly said that Jehovah is looking for those who worship “with spirit.” (John 4:23, 24) That is, they are spirited in their worship; they reflect a spirit that is appropriate to the worship of the true God. In answering the question of a man who wanted to know what was required in order to gain eternal life, Jesus showed that, first of all, one must be whole-souled in serving Jehovah. (Luke 10:25-28) That is encouraging, because it indicates that God does not evaluate us by what others are able to do; each one gives of himself according to what he as a soul is; some have more strength or better health than others. At the same time, it puts us to the test, because it calls on us to show what is really in our hearts, to use our entire life in a way that is consistent with the love for God that we profess.
5 It is noteworthy that those who are described in the book of Revelation as surviving the “great tribulation” are those who ‘are rendering sacred service to God day and night.’ (Rev. 7:9, 10, 14, 15) They are not simply interested observers. They are not merely Kingdom Hall attenders. Every aspect of their lives is built around their relationship with God. Is that true of us as individuals?
6 We surely want it to be so in our case. But some may realize that adjustments need to be made. Many fine suggestions are being offered this summer at the “Sacred Service” District Assemblies to aid us in every aspect of our service to God. Now, while that counsel is fresh in mind, is a good time for all of us to make diligent effort to apply it.
7 Clearly, there is work to be done in extending the word of life to others. The question for each one to ask himself is, Am I willing to serve?