Your Service Meetings
The Work of Disciple-Making
15 min: Song 1. Any needed local announcements; then Scriptural discussion. A key part of our work is the making of disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20) One of the most enjoyable aspects of our activity. Not everyone to whom we preach is going to become a disciple, and simply giving a witness to people of all kinds is important. But God’s will includes more. (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) Every day, in all our contacts, and whenever we are in field service, we should be looking for potential disciples and then be sure to follow through. Using following texts as time permits, ask audience where these interested ones were found: Matt. 9:9; Luke 10:38-42; John 4:6, 7, 39; Acts 16:26-34.
15 min: Ideas for Field Service. Let us make it our goal to start Scriptural discussions wherever possible. Discuss and demonstrate the following.
After greeting householder, you might say: ‘It is true that people need many things, but what do you think is mankind’s greatest need?’ Listen to what householder says, show interest in it, and then direct attention to Kingdom as the solution. Read a scripture, perhaps Isaiah 9:6, 7. Then, with a view to stimulating interest in a regular Bible study, direct attention to pages 7 and 8 of book True Peace and Security—From What Source? Read and discuss whatever portion seems to be appropriate. If householder has Bible, encourage him to get it and show him how to use it to look up references. If householder indicates that he is too busy for a discussion today, then offer the book, but tell him that you would like to continue the discussion. Ask whether there is another time that would be more convenient.
Discuss field service arrangements for the week; encourage all to share.
15 min: “Success with Bible Studies.” After reading each paragraph ask for comments from audience to highlight the main thoughts. Encourage inviting others to meetings of local congregation; briefly comment on why the public talk this week is something that will benefit both us and others.
15 min: What We Are Doing. Ask: ‘How many here have ever conducted a Bible study?’ ‘How many would like to do so?’ Tell what is being done locally, as shown by reports. Have discussion with audience, drawing from them suggestions on (1) where to find studies, (2) how to start them. Ask those now conducting studies how they got them started. Interview one or two publishers who do well with Bible studies, drawing out encouraging experiences they have had; these should be selected and reviewed in advance. Isolate a few practical suggestions from the comments they make; repeat these. In conclusion, mention again Matthew 28:19, 20; emphasize latter part of verse 20. Song 101.
15 min: Song 32. Serving, Not Position, Is Important. Scriptural discussion based on Matthew 20:20-28 and John 13:2-5. Narrate these accounts, reading short portions and commenting on them, also inviting comments from audience. Make application: (1) Keeping Kingdom Hall clean. (2) Bethel service; include information from Branch Letter. (3) Having a full share in house-to-house activity. Outline field service arrangements for the week. (4) Doing things in a personal way for our brothers; Gal. 6:10; John 13:35.
5 min: Accounts report. Commend the willing spirit reflected among Jehovah’s people; illustrate with Exodus 35:5; 36:5-7, also 1976 Yearbook, p. 211, ¶3.
15 min: “Are You Willing to Serve?” Audience participation. Include any needed local announcements here.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—When People Say, ‘I’m Not Interested.’” Connect with preceding meeting parts by showing that, in addition to being willing to serve, it is also important to be prepared. Read paragraphs, then ask questions. Demonstrate some suggestions; then ask audience what was done and why. Encourage those who conduct meetings for field service to review these points with their groups before going into the field both this week and next.
10 min: Conclude with brief comments on quality of offerings that were required under the Mosaic law and the fact that our offerings of praise in the field should also be of high quality. (Deut. 15:21; Mal. 1:8; Heb. 13:15) Encourage all to prepare and to share in field service this week; invite all to coming meetings. Song 70.
15 min: Song 20. “Fine ‘Workers at Home.’” Practical discussion built around Proverbs 31:10-31, as discussed in July 1, 1976, Watchtower. From main points of the article, select those that would be most beneficial for general discussion in your congregation. With questions, draw comments, particularly from sisters, as to how Bible principles govern them in specific matters as they care for the interests of their families.
8 min: Question Box. Theocratic News. Needed local announcements.
17 min: “Should You Vary Your Initial Approach?” After reading each paragraph ask questions to highlight main thoughts. Demonstrate several suggested approaches.
12 min: Pitfalls to Bible Studies’ Becoming Successful.
Bible study overseer asks if brothers have ever stopped to analyze most common reasons why persons stop studying. He then has series of fast-moving interviews with persons representing individuals who discontinued their studies. Keep each one very brief; cover all five, or as many as you believe will be most beneficial locally. After each brief interview, have someone in audience ready to read scripture and then very briefly discuss solution with audience. (Emphasize how to overcome problem in each case.) First interview woman who discontinued study because it was not conducted regularly. Woman did not know when publisher was coming. (Read 1 Corinthians 14:40.) Another student stopped after learning a few basic Bible truths. While she had head knowledge, heart was not touched. (Read Proverbs 4:23; you might also briefly comment on key thoughts in paragraphs 10, 11, 13 and 14 on pages 76 and 77 of School Guidebook.) Still another enjoyed study, but not prepared for opposition from relatives and neighbors. (Read 2 Timothy 3:12; also point out that information in Truth book, page 16, paragraphs 12 and 13, may be used to help a beginning student.) Next, a woman stopped because publisher not prepared. After reading question, publisher kept eyes buried in book until householder answered questions. Felt she was not being taught. (Read Romans 2:21.) Another woman was studied with who had a family, but other family members were never invited to sit in. Publisher would hardly speak when other family members entered room. Husband, not understanding what was taking place, encouraged wife to discontinue study. (Read Galatians 5:22 [kindness], also Romans 12:13b.)
8 min: Comments on 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, with application to field service. Brief comments to whet appetite for upcoming meetings. Song 89.
Preparing as a Family for Christian Service
15 min: Song 63. Talk and discussion with audience on importance of family study. Draw material from February 15, 1971, Watchtower, pages 104-107. Might include some interviews. Emphasize giving thought to what would be most beneficial for the family to study together, also how to do the studying so that the family will really understand it and be able to use it.
Cover any needed local announcements here.
35 min: Getting Ready for School. (One brother may be assigned to handle this portion of the meeting, or the assignment may be divided among several brothers.)
(8 min.) Start with father talking to his son about going back to school. Son is not very enthusiastic about it; so father reasons with him as to why important: A legal requirement, and obedience to law affects one’s relationship with God. (Titus 3:1, 2) Bible encourages learning to read and speak well, to be able to work with our hands to support ourselves and our families; knowledge of history and current events can help us when witnessing, to aid others to appreciate fulfillment of prophecy and need for Kingdom.
Son says he gets discouraged by the atmosphere, the disrespect for teachers and others; and the fact is, all the students know that some of the teachers do not live very good lives. Father refers back to Titus 3:2; also shows that apostle Paul was respectful even toward a king who was known to be immoral. (Acts 26:2; Aid, p. 760, ¶4) By respectful attitude we give a witness, honor Jehovah.
(17 min.) Discuss with young folks in the audience the situations that arise in school that put their Christianity to the test. Ask them in advance to offer suggestions; take these up on the meeting. Might consider birthday parties, Halloween, school ceremonies, use of drugs and smoking, styles of dress, and so forth. In each case ask the young folks why we take the position we do; explain from the Bible.
(10 min.) Opportunities to Witness. Ask audience what opportunities there are in school to witness. Demonstrate witnessing to fellow students: one scene may be fairly short, just conversation; another more extensive, using Bible.
10 min: In conclusion, point out that what we have done here tonight is something that can beneficially be done frequently in our own homes. Comment on Deuteronomy 6:6, 7. Show that instruction from God’s Word should not be reserved only for formal study periods but can be a natural, enjoyable part of everyday life. Song 73.