Presenting the Good News—With the Youth Book
1 It is our wish to see the young people get the best out of their youth. The new book about youth will be a great help to young people, and we want to get it into their hands. Also, it will help parents and grandparents who have much to do with young people. You may already have in mind some points to use in presenting the Youth book and you are welcome to use them. We do not want always to leave the door as soon as somebody accepts a book. Keep in mind that our real desire is to start Bible discussions where circumstances so allow. Following are some suggestions that may be helpful.
2 To open a presentation the question might be asked, “Did you realize that half of the world’s population now is under twenty years of age? All of us should be interested in the youth today. The Creator certainly is and he wants them to enjoy life. [Read the first part of Ecclesiastes 11:9.] But do we see all of the young people truly happy in these days? They face many pressures in life; there are many traps and pitfalls that take away happiness. Many of their problems can be avoided if they know what the Creator has to say. [See Youth book, page 144.] Knowledge is a protection. Knowledge of God’s Word is especially beneficial at this time. It can protect the youth from disappointment and calamity. [Read Ecclesiastes 11:10 and introduce the book.]”
3 If the person being spoken to is a youth, then instead of speaking about the youth or young people, you can say ‘you’ and you may wish to include the first part of Ecclesiastes 12:1.
4 In speaking either to youths or to adults the question might be asked, “What do you believe is the greatest problem facing young people today?” There may be a variety of responses, depending upon the personal experience of the one to whom you speak. If it is the danger of drugs, then we have Chapter 15. If someone feels that there is really no future for the youth today, there is Chapter 24. Really, whatever the response may be, we should have in mind an appropriate chapter in the book.
5 If an older person comes to the door, we may wish to inquire as to whether there are any teen-agers living in the home. If the response is in the affirmative, we may point out that many people do not realize that half of the world’s population today is under twenty years of age. Then go into the presentation of Ecclesiastes 11:9, as outlined above, and follow up by showing that we are all interested in youths and want to help them to get the best out of their lives. For that reason this book has been published. It has proved to be a great help to adults in counseling and dealing with youths, and because of its contents, many parents and grandparents are presenting a copy to each one of their children or grandchildren as an aid in making a success of his or her personal life. Reference can be made to the table of contents. It may be said that many parents have found it difficult to raise these subjects with youths, so the book has proved an invaluable aid. Chapters are arranged with subheadings, and groups of paragraphs under the subheading can be read and then discussed together with the young people.
6 No doubt publishers who are parents will be enthusiastic in recommending this new publication to other parents. Here is a suggestion they could use: “As a parent surely you will agree that rearing children today presents many challenges. I have certainly found that to be the case. Many parents wonder how they can follow the Bible’s advice to ‘train up a boy according to the way for him,’ found at Proverbs 22:6. A fine help for parents is this new publication Your Youth—Getting the Best out of It. Note some of these chapter titles in the table of contents. [Mention several chapters that would be of local interest.] I am sure you will find this Bible study aid a help to you as a parent in teaching your teen-age children as well as something of great interest to them. [Then introduce the book.]”
7 The following might be helpful in determining which book to offer: “We are calling because people are interested in improving the quality of daily life. May I inquire if there are any teen-age children living in the home at this time? [If so, then present Youth book. If not, then continue by saying:] We have something special for youth. However, we have information that will be of great benefit to you. Many people wonder if the time will ever come as described at Revelation 21:3, 4, in the Bible. [Read verses.] Since this promise of a better life under better conditions comes from God himself, we can be sure it will come to pass. The first chapter [turn to it] in this Bible study aid [Truth book] entitled ‘Grand Blessings from God Near at Hand!’ will help you to learn when and how these better conditions will come.”
8 May you have much joy and many blessings presenting the good news with the Youth book in the field service during November.