Theocratic News
◆ Many brothers in Spain who had been imprisoned for several years because of their integrity were recently released from prison due to an amnesty proclaimed by the king of Spain. It is reported that many of them will return to full-time service in the Spanish field.
◆ Mexico reports a new peak of 84,065 publishers for June. It would have been even better but, due to heavy rains and flooding in many parts of the country, they have not received 240 reports. Although some brothers lost their belongings, none have lost their lives and help has been provided for those in need.
◆ Although there are still about 27 congregations to report for June, in Benin the number of Bible studies being conducted is reported as 270, which is an increase of 18 percent.
◆ Upper Volta is happy to report 62 publishers, their 7th new peak in the service year. This represents a 41-percent increase over last June. A new peak of 3,312 in magazine placements was reached.