How Do You Support the Kingdom?
1 How do subjects of God’s kingdom show that they truly support it? Aren’t they willing to do all that they can in behalf of that government?
2 The Bible is replete with accounts telling how early Christians demonstrated their full support for the Kingdom. If it is the big thing in our lives, how do we show it?
3 The Kingdom was so real to early Christians that some gave their lives in support of it. Many were flogged, others imprisoned, still others suffered near-deaths often. (Acts 5:40; 7:60; 8:1-4; 2 Cor. 11:22-27) Some sold their possessions and properties and donated the proceeds to advance the Kingdom interests. (Acts 2:45, 46) However, the “kingdom” at that time was ruling over only the anointed ones. (Col. 1:13) Since 1914 we have been living under “the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,” which will shortly destroy the entire worldly system of things. Should we not be willing to do as much, if not more than those early Christians to support God’s kingdom? (Rev. 11:15; Ps. 110:3) How do YOU support the Kingdom?
4 You may not be called upon to die for it, or suffer physical abuse. But all Kingdom subjects are required to demonstrate their support by the way they live. As a Kingdom supporter, each day should find you conforming your life more fully to the righteous laws and principles found in the Kingdom’s Lawbook, the Bible. Are you doing so? Are you hating what is bad and resisting pressures to act selfishly or to indulge in immorality?
5 Supporting God’s kingdom also includes being motivated by love, since our King emphasized that his followers would live by this new commandment of his. (John 13:34) Are you living by it? Are you doing positive things for your brothers—yes, for all persons as you are able?—1 Thess. 3:12; Gal. 6:10.
6 Another way we give our support to the Kingdom is by regularly attending and participating in the meetings provided for its subjects. We thus demonstrate our desire to take advantage of the educational provisions made by our Grand Instructor and the Master Teacher. (Isa. 30:20b; 54:13; Matt. 7:28, 29) Of course, full participation in this educational program of the Kingdom involves more than making a comment at meetings now and then. It also includes regularly doing our “homework” in preparation for meetings and field service. Has appreciation for the Kingdom moved you to make room for this in your schedule?
7 One of the primary ways we demonstrate our personal support of God’s kingdom is by putting forth an effort to aid others to come under its rule. Jesus said, “This good news of the kingdom will be preached,” but what is our attitude toward that work? (Matt. 24:14) How much do you expend yourself to preach the Kingdom good news to others?
8 The amount of time you devote to Kingdom preaching and the example you set should show Jehovah and others that you are giving your full, wholehearted support to the Kingdom. With better planning and improved family organization could you do more in field service? Would it be possible to auxiliary pioneer from time to time? Whole-souled service is not following the course of least resistance, coasting along with minimal activity!
9 In Jesus’ parable of the sower, it is acknowledged that some are able to do more than others in making expressions regarding the Kingdom. (Matt. 13:8) Some spend many hours in the preaching work each month. Other loyal Kingdom subjects are unable to do as much. Yet even though limited in amount, it is not a “token” service but represents all they can do. They find joy in knowing that our Lord views their hearts too as being “fine soil,” producing fruit that honors Jehovah.—Matt. 13:23.
10 Our attitude toward the preaching work and the time and thought we give to it are positive indications to Jehovah of our love and appreciation for his government. When a person is deeply interested in something—if it involves something close to his heart—he cannot help but speak about it. Similarly, if we consider our future blessings under the Kingdom’s rule as something to be treasured, we will gladly and eagerly join in openly acknowledging our loyal support of the Kingdom on a regular basis.—Luke 6:45.
11 Really, in all we do—at all times—our lives should reflect the fact that we are subjects of Jehovah’s kingdom. So whether we are eating, drinking, enjoying entertainment or a vacation period, our concern will be to conduct ourselves in a way that honors God.—1 Cor. 10:31.
12 One thing that all of us will want to do this summer is to attend the “Living Hope” District Convention. As loyal subjects of God’s kingdom we will not want to miss even one session! Even though it may possibly mean losing a couple of days’ pay, our being present each day will give yet added evidence that we do indeed fully support God’s kingdom.
13 Surely Jehovah observes our efforts to serve his Kingdom interests, and we can be confident that in his new system of righteousness he will reward us in a measure beyond what we can now imagine.—Heb. 6:10; Mal. 3:10.