Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples
5 min: Song 84 and local announcements.
20 min: “Take Up the Complete Suit of Armor—Now!” Introduce part by reading Ephesians 6:10-17. Have all keep Bibles open to these texts. Have each paragraph read and ask appropriate questions.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—With the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.” Assign publishers ahead of time to look up and comment on specific references in article outlining how they can be used. Demonstrate presentation most appropriate for territory. Use a regular or an auxiliary pioneer if available.
15 min: “How I Got the Truth.” Experiences. Elder interviews two or three individuals or families. It is preferred that those interviewed do not read or memorize what they are going to say. Elder can skillfully ask questions and draw out information, such as when individual first heard of truth, how contacted, what previously believed, problems encountered, and so forth. Help the brothers to know and appreciate one another more.
5 min: Song 6 and prayer.
5 min: Song 22 and local announcements.
15 min: Jesus’ Instructions for Field Service Activity. Service overseer considers selected verses of Matthew 10 and applies to field service activity in local territory. Have verses read by audience and discuss material drawing out brothers with questions. Vss. 5, 6: territory assignment. Vs. 7: theme of preaching. Vss. 11-14: search out deserving ones; have prayerful concern for them; greet householder; do not waste time arguing with opposers; do not allow opposers to rob you of your peace and joy. Vs. 16: attitude and conduct as respects the world. Vss. 17-20: opposition and persecution expected; be confident and trust in Jehovah. Vss. 24-28: why opposition comes; let your light shine and resist tendency to be fearful. Vss. 40-42: recognize privilege we have of providing people with opportunity to hear and react to message about Kingdom. Conclude with direction relative to local field service arrangements. Encourage all to have faith in Jehovah’s direction, and find joy in field service activity for the week.
15 min: Elders may develop this part locally or have talk on Watchtower article “Bible Translations—Does It Matter Which One?” from August 15, 1979, Watchtower, pages 13-16.
20 min: “Parents—What Are Your Children Learning?” Talk on article for 10 minutes. Then invite three or four children to platform with their Bible Stories book. Have them consider pictures and meaning of what took place in Stories 2, 3 and 4. By means of questions contrast Stories 2 and 3 with Story 4 to show the bad results of disobedience. Make sure points are clear. By questions get their understanding on matters and the moral lessons the Bible contains.
5 min: Song 30 and prayer.
10 min: Introduction, song 72, local announcements and accounts report.
15 min: “You Must Show Consideration for Older Persons.” Questions and answers. Have audience read scriptures and apply. Should be handled in warm, upbuilding way.
15 min: “Imitate Their Faith.” (Heb. 13:7) Interview. Invite several older persons to the platform, or may use those who have served faithfully for many years. Questions and comments should be thoroughly reviewed in advance highlighting blessings of faithfulness and Jehovah’s goodness. By using specific questions, chairman will bring out richness and flavor of personal experiences to stimulate and encourage congregation. Warmly commend older ones for their fine example. Reassure that whatever they can do is well-pleasing to Jehovah even though personal circumstances may greatly limit activity. Draw on principle at Mark 12:41-44, encouraging all to imitate their fine example.
15 min: Encourage Holiday Witnessing. Service overseer will handle this part announcing arrangements for field service during this period. Consider special problems arising at this time of year in your territory and what may be done to handle these effectively. Have brothers prepared to comment on how they handle householders’ remarks such as “I’m busy,” “I’m going shopping,” “I’m preparing a meal,” “Merry Christmas, Happy New Year,” and so forth. Emphasize need for tact and discernment. Show how witness can be given when householder is busy by briefly offering two magazines or a book and then leaving with a promise to call back and discuss the literature at a more convenient time. Some find success in raising a single question that one scripture can answer. If the householder is interested, the answer can be shared with him then. Otherwise a return visit can be arranged. Have two brief demonstrations of the above suggestions. Stress need for Christian reasonableness and discernment. (See 12/77 km, p. 4, for additional information.)
5 min: Song 38 and prayer.
18 min: Song 116. Appropriate items from Announcements; also local announcements. Consider Theocratic School Schedule for 1980. In reviewing schedule emphasize manner in which Commentary on James is to be considered. (Assign to school overseer.)
12 min: Elders may develop this part locally or have talk on Watchtower article “Jehovah Blesses Those Who Exert Themselves Vigorously” from August 1, 1979, Watchtower, pages 27, 28.
15 min: Review major items considered in the December km using some of the following questions and others that may be appropriate to your congregation: (1) Have Ephesians 6:10-17 read and ask: “How have you applied this counsel in your life?” (2) Parents, in what practical ways have you been using the Bible Stories book to instruct your children? (3) Children, how has the Bible Stories book helped you? (4) What viewpoint should older ones in the congregation have regarding their service to Jehovah, even when this may be severely limited by the physical problems that come with advancing years? (Luke 21:1-4) (5) Mention things you have done or could do to encourage or assist older ones in the congregation. (6) What presentation have you enjoyed using to offer the Bible and book?
10 min: Question Box. Elder discusses the points with audience.
5 min: Song 77 and prayer.