Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples
18 min: Song 9. Convention coordinator reviews information from previous letters, as well as appropriate information on pages 31 and 32 of the May 15, 1980 Watchtower on the “Divine Love” District Convention. Also Announcements.
12 min: Showing “Divine Love.” Encourage congregation to take advantage of informal witnessing while traveling to and from the convention. Is preparation important for informal witnessing to be successful? Why? What literature would be good to take along? Demonstrate: (1) Witnessing to a gasoline station attendant and/or a waitress, (2) another situation appropriate for your area. (See the January, 1980, Our Kingdom Service for additional information on informal witnessing.)
22 min: “Keeping a Balanced View of Our Service.” Discuss article with congregation highlighting principles in scriptures cited.
8 min: Review field service arrangements for the weekend. Song 27 and prayer.
8 min: Song 20 and local announcements.
20 min: Getting the Most from Our Bible Reading. (To be handled by school overseer.) Family group on stage discusses their study needs. All agree that they have been negligent about weekly Bible reading assignment. Different family members volunteer variety of excuses. The father acknowledges that all have busy schedules and need to be determined to stick with a practical weekly schedule. Second Timothy 3:16, 17 is read and the question is asked: How important is it for us to read the Bible? All agree that it has many far-reaching benefits and is well worth the time. How can we include it in our schedule? A portion could be read at mealtimes. Eliminating just one half-hour TV program a week might be enough. Any other suggestions by the family are discussed. (Chairman interrupts to discuss with the audience suggestions they may have. Then asks audience how they have benefited from regular reading of the Bible. Comments from the audience could include new things learned, such as greater appreciation for Bible truths, more insight into the meaning by understanding the context, better clarification of Bible principles and their application, and so forth.) Family expresses their determination to keep up with the Bible reading, not just out of a sense of duty, but because it is enjoyable and rewarding. It serves for their spiritual upbuilding.
15 min: Talk on article “Step Over into Macedonia and Help.”
12 min: “A Good Report.” (Prov. 25:25) (To be handled by the secretary.) Joy and encouragement were experienced when many new ones first joined the Christian faith. (Acts 4:1-4) We too are encouraged by their service reports. Our reports likewise bring praise. (1) What good results has the congregation experienced in helping those who attended the Memorial? What is still being done? (Inviting them to the district convention, and so forth.) (2) Discuss congregation report. Commend the congregation. Mention any problems congregation may be having in reporting field service. Select helpful information found in Question Box of September, 1979, Our Kingdom Service.
5 min: Song 42 and prayer.
10 min: Song 49, local announcements and reading of accounts report.
25 min: Philippians—A Book of Encouragement and Guidance for Christians. (Chairman should read entire book of Philippians in preparation, taking particular note of principles that would be most applicable to situations we face today. In discussion with congregation, encourage personal application. The following questions may be asked as time permits:) What are some of the more important things to which we should give attention? (1:9, 10) What reason do we have for joy even when others speak against the truth? (1:15-18) What can prayer accomplish? (1:19) What is a strong reason why we should not fear our enemies, while striving for unity with our brothers? (1:27, 28) What lasting benefit comes from humility? (2:5-11) Why is it proper to give Jehovah credit for good health? (2:27) What is a balanced view to take toward our own progress in the truth and that of others? (3:16) When human governments make unreasonable demands of us, what is it good to remember? (3:20) Even though surrounded by anxiety, how can we be content and at peace in our hearts? (4:6, 7) We will surely prosper if we give attention to what qualities? (4:8)
18 min: “Presenting the Good News—With Magazines.” Questions and answers. Highlight our Scriptural responsibility to keep declaring the good news at every opportunity. Point up value of using The Watchtower and Awake! whenever possible. (As time permits, include several brief and practical demonstrations on most effective ways magazines can be placed in varied situations in your local territory.)
7 min: Song 33 and prayer.
12 min: Song 14, Theocratic News, Question Box and local announcements.
15 min: “Benefits of Group Witnessing.” Questions and answers. Also include comments from audience as to why they enjoy group witnessing.
10 min: “Beware of Imputing Wrong Motives to Others.” A warm, kind talk given by an elder. Material taken from April 1, 1980, Watchtower, pages 12-15.
18 min: Interviews on how some came into the truth. Use variety showing how the truth has appeal to (1) younger ones, (2) older folks, (3) family groups, and (4) one whose mate did not approve of associating with the Witnesses. If needed, see Watch Tower Publications Index, under heading “Field Service” (experiences).
5 min: Song 56 and prayer.