Presenting the Good News—With Magazines
1 The Christian congregation has been assigned the responsibility of spreading the good news “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) From its inception, all members were taught and trained with a view to sharing in that work. They all rejoiced when the success of their efforts was reported. “The word of Jehovah went on growing and spreading.” “The word of Jehovah went on being carried throughout the whole country.” “All those inhabiting the district of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” “In a mighty way the word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing.”—Acts 12:24; 13:49; 19:10, 20.
2 As members of the modern Christian congregation, our assignment has not changed. It is still God’s will that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) We have a responsibility to ‘handle the word of truth aright’ by spreading it far and wide, making it available to as many as possible. With the help of Jehovah’s spirit, the honest-hearted ones will be gathered. Today, we rejoice to report that the word of truth is being carried “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) The Watchtower and Awake! are playing a large and vital role in getting that done.
3 A key to success is being able to speak the word “at the right time for it.” (Prov. 25:11) Most people are not inclined to pause and listen when we call, but a magazine left in the home might later be available at just “the right time.”
4 A college student was impressed by an article he read in Awake! A return visit the next week resulted in his attendance at a circuit assembly then in progress and the starting of a Bible study. One woman slammed the door in the face of a Witness, but later her husband, who was receptive, accepted two magazines from that same Witness. On a return visit, the woman answered the door, humbly apologized, asked many questions and right away agreed to a Bible study. A brother left some magazines in a car he sold and the new owner later contacted him to learn more about what he had read. While riding the train, someone came across two copies of the magazines. After reading them he wrote for both subscriptions and later began to study. Another person explained that she had visited many different religions to find out what the Bible teaches about hell. Her questions were finally answered one day in a store where she accidentally picked up a sheet of paper torn from an Awake! magazine. An elderly person found a Watchtower in a stack of newspapers and thereafter searched at great length until she located Witnesses who were able to tell her more.
5 Much thought is given to the contents of the magazines with emphasis on providing information that is Scripturally based, relevant to the times and practical for current needs. As an example, the Awake! has been featuring “Have You Ever Wondered . . . ?” This feature in the June 8 issue deals with the subject, “Is Faith in God Realistic in Our Modern World?” while the June 22 issue answers the question, “Can Young Folks Find Security Today?” Expanded printing capabilities have made it possible to enhance the appeal of the magazines to the eye as well as the mind. Discussions of a wide range of Bible-related subjects offer something of spiritual value to people of all walks of life.
6 Appreciating what the magazines can do in helping us fulfill our God-given assignment, should we not look for ways to get more of them into the hands of people who may be searching for the truth? It is certainly appropriate to carry them with us in all features of service, offering them to anyone who might be inclined to read them. Placing a subscription may help someone cultivate a growing interest in the Bible. Many publishers have found that appreciative readers will readily take new issues of the magazines on a regular basis. Those who enjoy doing street work or calling on business people with the magazines report that a friendly, tactful approach elicits good response and results in many placements. The magazines are especially helpful in starting conversations in informal witnessing. By carrying a supply when traveling to the district conventions, you may enjoy many rewarding experiences by offering them to business people who provide services for travelers and tourists.
7 Who knows how many more sincere people will hear the message and eventually declare, “It is the truth!” (Isa. 43:9) If we do the best we can, none can complain that they failed to hear because there was no one to preach. (Rom. 10:14) Our joy of accomplishment will be even greater if we can help get copies of the magazines into otherwise inaccessible places where their pages can convey the truth “at the right time” and in a manner that will reach honest hearts.